Commit 52c5304f authored by Ivaria's avatar Ivaria
Browse files

'Necrotic Bolt' and 'Necrotic Bolt Volley' debuff absorbs use index 17 rather...

'Necrotic Bolt' and 'Necrotic Bolt Volley' debuff absorbs use index 17 rather than 16 for the shield amount
parent c41928aa
......@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ local VUHDO_ABSORB_DEBUFFS = {
[337859] = function(aUnit) return select(16, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_CLOAK_OF_FLAMES)), 10 * 60; end, -- Cloak of Flames
-- Patch 9.0.2 - Shadowlands - Necrotic Wake
[320462] = function(aUnit) return select(16, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT)), 1 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt
[320170] = function(aUnit) return select(16, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT)), 2 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt
[320462] = function(aUnit) return select(17, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT)), 1 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt
[320170] = function(aUnit) return select(17, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT)), 2 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt
-- Patch 9.0.2 - Shadowlands - Theater of Pain
[330784] = function(aUnit) return select(16, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT)), 1 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt
[330868] = function(aUnit) return select(16, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT_VOLLEY)), 1 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt Volley
[330784] = function(aUnit) return select(17, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT)), 1 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt
[330868] = function(aUnit) return select(17, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_BOLT_VOLLEY)), 1 * 60; end, -- Necrotic Bolt Volley
-- Patch 9.0.2 - Death Knight ability
[223929] = function(aUnit) return select(16, VUHDO_unitDebuff(aUnit, VUHDO_SPELL_ID.DEBUFF_NECROTIC_WOUND)), 18; end, -- Necrotic Wound
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