Name Last commit Last update
.gitlab/issue_templates Update
.release Merge branch 'master' into classic
Fonts fixing some svn issues
Images -- Minor update to minimap/LDB icon
VuhDoOptions Merge branch 'master' into classic
.gitignore Updated wow-packager env
.gitlab-ci.yml Update .gitlab-ci.yml
.luacheckrc Allow implicitly defined globals from the top/main block
.pkgmeta Merge branch 'master' into classic
Bindings.xml initial WoD commit Update
VuhDo.lua Update Classic compatability layer to not modify globals
VuhDo.toc Bring classic from v3.102 up to v3.107
VuhDo.xml Fixes for LibClassicDurations and LibClassicHealComm integration
VuhDoActionEventHandler.lua Reintegrate the BFA branch into trunk
VuhDoAddonAdapter.lua Reverting undesired retail changes for classic
VuhDoAoeAdvisor.lua Update Classic compatability layer to not modify globals
VuhDoBarCustomizerClusters.lua Activate profile/key layout when only the player changes specialization. Fix nil reference in bar customizer for clusters after spec change.
VuhDoBarCustomizerDebuffIcon.lua -- CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+RIGHTBUTTON now adds debuff icons to the blacklist
VuhDoBarCustomizerHealth.lua Better workaround for vehicle targeting on Antoran High Command
VuhDoBarCustomizerHots.lua Fixed aura durations
VuhDoBarCustomizerMana.lua Fix mana bar display on vertical health bars when mana bar bouquet evaluates to false for real this time, promise
VuhDoBarCustomizerTarget.lua Fixed use of deprecated UnitMana/UnitManaMax APIs. TOC bump for patch 7.2.
VuhDoBarCustomizerThreat.lua Fixed texture position for 'Threat Marks' indicator
VuhDoBouquetValidators.lua Bring classic from v3.102 up to v3.107
VuhDoBouquets.lua Better workaround for vehicle targeting on Antoran High Command
VuhDoBuffConst.lua Added Mage spell 'Arcane Familiar' to Buff Watch
VuhDoBuffWatch.lua Fixed debuff absorb tracking
VuhDoBuffWatch.xml initial WoD commit
VuhDoBuffWatchBuilder.lua -- Added default custom debuffs for Eternal Palace raid encounters
VuhDoClusterBuilder.lua Reintegrate the BFA branch into trunk
VuhDoCombatLogParser.lua Better workaround for vehicle targeting on Antoran High Command
VuhDoConfigConvenience.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoConst.lua Initial commit of classic compatibility - rough hack to get something running for now
VuhDoConstSpells.lua -- Added Uu'nat Umbral Shell debuff absorb tracking
VuhDoCtraAdapter.lua Reintegrate the BFA branch into trunk
VuhDoDcShield.lua First major round of changes to add support for the new Demon Hunter class.
VuhDoDebuffConst.lua Initial commit of classic compatibility - rough hack to get something running for now
VuhDoDebuffs.lua Bring classic from v3.102 up to v3.107
VuhDoDefaults.lua Reverting undesired retail changes for classic
VuhDoDefaultsBouquets.lua -- Added new bouquet validator 'Flag: Own Runes =='
VuhDoDirections.lua initial WoD commit
VuhDoDropdownFactory.lua Minimap icon profile and key layout dropdown menus are now sorted
VuhDoEventHandler.lua Bring classic from v3.102 up to v3.107
VuhDoGuiConst.lua Added new bouquet validator 'Has Summon'. Added new default bouquet 'Summon Status Icon'. Added new default bouquet 'Role & Summon Status Icon'. Now assigned to the 'Special Dot' indicator by default.
VuhDoGuiToolbox.lua Initial commit of classic compatibility - rough hack to get something running for now
VuhDoHealCommAdapter.lua Update Classic compatability layer to not modify globals
VuhDoKeySetup.lua -- Fixed issue with case sensitivity for the 'dropdown' command
VuhDoLocalization_de.lua -- Safer handling of sound playback
VuhDoLocalization_en.lua -- Safer handling of sound playback

Get VuhDo release v3.107 now with support for patch 8.2 Rise of Azshara!

To get started read the updated guide over at Icy-Veins.

Download user created VuhDo profiles, key layouts and custom bouquets over on!

Keep those feature requests and bug reports coming! Please file VuhDo GitLab issues to report any bugs or to make feature requests.

Further reading:

What is VuhDo?

VuhDo is a raid monitor similar to CTRaidAssist or Blizzards built-in raid frames. Basically this is about displaying the health of raid members in form of clearly arranged bars. VuhDo is primarily directed to healing classes, but will make use to almost any other class. Moreover several healing spells or other actions can be asserted to mouse clicks on those bars (Click-Heal).

What VuhDo can do:

  1. Display all relevant informations about your raid members
  • Life,
  • Mana, other types of power
  • Debuffs
  • Range
  • Incoming Heal
  • Aggro
  • Threat
  • HoTs
  • Charmed status
  • PvP status
  • Tooltips (for race, class, level and current location)
  • Player Tags (such as afk, disconnected, dead)
  • Shields
  1. Casting
  • You can heal, decurse, target, assist or focus raid memers with just one click
  • You can bind any usable item and any macro to mouse clicks
  • You can assign up to 40 mouse click combinations to cast on raid members
  • You can assign up to 16 keys to cast when mouse over
  • You can automatically fire your trinkets and instant casts whenever cooldown is over
  • You can automatically resurrect and decurse players out of combat
  1. Set up the raid
  • manage main tanks (CTRA/ORA compatible) and personally selected players.
  • Setup who is raid lead, assistant and master looter
  • Check who is one of the above
  1. Buffing
  • You can easily keep track of all of your buffs
  • You can rebuff automatically chosing the most suitable spell and target
  • You can smart buff your raid automatically selecting missing buffs

Special Features:

  • Up to 10 independent raid member panels
  • Completely free arrangement of raid members: You can move any group to any position in any panel: You can select to see your groups by class, group number role or any combination. Easy group arrangement via Drag-n-Drop. You can additionally setup to display Pets, Vehicles, Main Tanks, private Tanks. A panel setup wizard lets you setup most common settings with a few clicks
  • You can store different skins and arrangements of panels separately Supported standards / Compatibility:
  • CTRA/oRA: Main Tank setup / resurrection monitor
  • libSharedMedia: Fonts, Statusbar textures
  • Masque
  • Clique

To be absolutely clear VuhDo is still fully supported and will continue to see bug fixes / new features.

Below we have archived the parting message from Iza @ EU-Gilneas, the original creator of this amazing addon:

2014-04-25: I (Iza) am sorry to announce that I'm not going to further develop or maintain VuhDo anymore.

I haven't been actively playing wow for some years now and lately - as you might have noticed - my efforts (and also interest) in maintaining and developing WoW addons tends to zero, so I'll be gone for good I guess.

Thanks to a fine community for the great times and for sharing all the uncounted ideas and suggestions which finally have made VuhDo what I believe is a decent addon.

All the best to you & keep it going, Iza

If you enjoy using VuhDo please consider a small donation for Iza. (use the Donate button on the CurseForge project page)