Commit b8e442d0 authored by Ivaria's avatar Ivaria
Browse files

Fixed AOE cluster advice for spells which target randomly

parent c9db6482
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["degress"] = 1,
["rangePow"] = 30 * 30, -- MOPok
["isRadial"] = true,
["areTargetsRandom"] = true,
--["isSourcePlayer"] = false,
["isDestRaid"] = true,
["thresh"] = 15000,
......@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["degress"] = 1,
["rangePow"] = 30 * 30,
["isRadial"] = true,
["areTargetsRandom"] = true,
--["isSourcePlayer"] = false,
--["isDestRaid"] = false,
["thresh"] = 20000,
......@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["rangePow"] = 40 * 40,
["jumpRangePow"] = 11 * 11,
--["isRadial"] = false,
["areTargetsRandom"] = false,
--["isSourcePlayer"] = false,
["isDestRaid"] = true,
["thresh"] = 15000,
......@@ -118,6 +121,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["degress"] = 1,
["rangePow"] = 30 * 30,
["isRadial"] = true,
["areTargetsRandom"] = true,
--["isSourcePlayer"] = false,
["isDestRaid"] = true,
["thresh"] = 15000,
......@@ -139,6 +143,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["degress"] = 1,
["rangePow"] = 40 * 40,
["isRadial"] = true,
["areTargetsRandom"] = false,
["isSourcePlayer"] = true,
["isDestRaid"] = true,
["thresh"] = 15000,
......@@ -160,6 +165,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["degress"] = 1,
["rangePow"] = 30 * 30,
["isRadial"] = true,
["areTargetsRandom"] = true,
["isSourcePlayer"] = true,
["isDestRaid"] = true,
["thresh"] = 8000,
......@@ -181,6 +187,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["degress"] = 1,
["rangePow"] = 10 * 10,
["isRadial"] = true,
["areTargetsRandom"] = true,
--["isSourcePlayer"] = false,
["isDestRaid"] = true,
["thresh"] = 10000,
......@@ -202,6 +209,7 @@ VUHDO_AOE_SPELLS = {
["degress"] = 1,
["rangePow"] = 4, -- not POW actually
--["isRadial"] = true,
["areTargetsRandom"] = false,
["isLinear"] = true,
["isSourcePlayer"] = true,
["isDestRaid"] = true,
......@@ -313,34 +321,42 @@ end
local tTotal;
local tDeficit;
local tUnit;
local tInfo;
local function VUHDO_sumClusterHealing(aCluster, aMaxAmount, aDegression, aCastTime)
tTotal = 0;
local function VUHDO_getAverageExpectedHeals(aCluster, aMaxHealAmount, aDegression, aCastTime, aMaxTargets, tTargetPlayer)
local tHealingTotal = 0;
local tNumPlayersHealed = 0;
-- Find the sum total healed
for tCnt = 1, #aCluster do
tUnit = aCluster[tCnt];
tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[tUnit];
tDeficit = tInfo["healthmax"] - tInfo["health"] - VUHDO_aoeGetIncHeals(tUnit, aCastTime);
if tInfo["healthmax"] > 0 then
if tDeficit > aMaxAmount then
tTotal = tTotal + aMaxAmount + (1 - tInfo["health"] / tInfo["healthmax"]); -- To avoid hopping
elseif (tDeficit > 0) then
tTotal = tTotal + tDeficit;
local tUnit = aCluster[tCnt];
local tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[tUnit];
if tInfo["healthmax"] > 0 and tInfo["health"] > 0 then
local tHPDeficit = tInfo["healthmax"] - tInfo["health"] - VUHDO_aoeGetIncHeals(tUnit, aCastTime);
local tHealingDonePotential = aMaxHealAmount + (1 - tInfo["health"] / tInfo["healthmax"]); -- Give slight priority to users with the least HP%
local tHealingDoneActual = math.min(tHPDeficit, tHealingDonePotential);
tHealingTotal = tHealingTotal + tHealingDoneActual;
tNumPlayersHealed = tNumPlayersHealed + 1;
aMaxAmount = aMaxAmount * aDegression;
return tTotal;
if tHealingTotal == 0 or tNumPlayersHealed == 0 then
return 0;
-- Find out how much the aDegression multiplier has reduced our expected heals.
-- The heal-amount gets multiplied by aDegression on each jump. So the average degression multiplier is
-- (1 + 1*aDegression + 1*aDegression^2 + ... + 1*aDegression^(tNumHealTargets-1))/tNumHealTargets
-- This is a geometric series, equal to the following:
local tNumHealTargets = math.min(aMaxTargets, tNumPlayersHealed)
local tDegressionAverage = 1;
if aDegression < 1 then
tDegressionAverage = (1-aDegression^tNumHealTargets)/((1-aDegression)*tNumHealTargets);
--Find the average expected healed
local tAverageHealedPerPlayer = tHealingTotal / tNumPlayersHealed;
return tAverageHealedPerPlayer * tNumHealTargets * tDegressionAverage;
local tBestUnit, tBestTotal;
local tCurrTotal;
......@@ -361,6 +377,7 @@ local tTime;
local tDegress;
local tThresh;
local tIsHealsPlayer;
local tAreTargetsRandom;
......@@ -372,19 +389,19 @@ local function VUHDO_getBestUnitForAoeGroup(anAoeInfo, aPlayerModi, aGroup)
tInfo = aGroup[tCnt];
if VUHDO_RAID[tInfo] then tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[tInfo]; end
if tInfo["baseRange"] then
if tInfo["baseRange"] and tInfo["health"] > 0 then
if tIsLinear then
VUHDO_getUnitsInLinearCluster(tInfo["unit"], tCluster, tRangePow, tMaxTargets, tIsHealsPlayer, tCdSpell);
VUHDO_getCustomDestCluster(tInfo["unit"], tCluster,
tIsSourcePlayer, tIsRadial, tRangePow,
tMaxTargets, 101, tIsDestRaid, -- 101% = no health limit
tCdSpell, tCone, tJumpRangePow
tCdSpell, tCone, tJumpRangePow, tAreTargetsRandom
if #tCluster > 1 then
tCurrTotal = VUHDO_sumClusterHealing(tCluster, tSpellHeal, tDegress, tTime);
tCurrTotal = VUHDO_getAverageExpectedHeals(tCluster, tSpellHeal, tDegress, tTime, tMaxTargets, tInfo["unit"]);
if tCurrTotal > tBestTotal and tCurrTotal >= tThresh then
tBestTotal = tCurrTotal;
......@@ -424,6 +441,7 @@ local function VUHDO_getBestUnitsForAoe(anAoeInfo, aPlayerModi)
tDegress = anAoeInfo["degress"];
tThresh = anAoeInfo["thresh"];
tIsHealsPlayer = anAoeInfo["isHealsPlayer"];
tAreTargetsRandom = anAoeInfo["areTargetsRandom"];
--tThresh = 1000;
if sIsPerGroup and not tIsDestRaid then
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ local sClusterSlot;
local sCdSpell;
local sCone;
local sJumpRangePow;
local aAreTargetsRandom;
function VUHDO_customClustersInitLocalOverrides()
......@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ function VUHDO_customClustersInitLocalOverrides()
sCone = sClusterConfig["CONE_DEGREES"];
sCdSpell = sClusterConfig["COOLDOWN_SPELL"];
sJumpRangePow = sClusterConfig["RANGE_JUMP"] * sClusterConfig["RANGE_JUMP"];
sAreTargetsRandom = sClusterConfig["ARE_TARGETS_RANDOM"];
if (sCdSpell or "") == "" or not VUHDO_isSpellKnown(sCdSpell) then
sCdSpell = nil;
......@@ -88,7 +90,10 @@ end
local tDestCluster = { };
local tInfo, tSrcInfo, tNumArray;
local tSrcGroup;
function VUHDO_getCustomDestCluster(aUnit, anArray, anIsSourcePlayer, anIsRadial, aRangePow, aNumMaxTargets, aHealthLimit, anIsRaid, aCdSpell, aCone, aJumpRangePow)
function VUHDO_getCustomDestCluster(aUnit, anArray, anIsSourcePlayer, anIsRadial, aRangePow, aNumMaxTargets, aHealthLimit, anIsRaid, aCdSpell, aCone, aJumpRangePow, aAreTargetsRandom)
-- If targets are random, return ALL targets in range, so the caller can determine the average heals
if aAreTargetsRandom then aNumMaxTargets = 100; end
if anIsSourcePlayer and aUnit ~= "player" then return 0; end
......@@ -117,7 +122,7 @@ local VUHDO_getCustomDestCluster = VUHDO_getCustomDestCluster;
local function VUHDO_getDestCluster(aUnit, anArray)
return VUHDO_getCustomDestCluster(aUnit, anArray, sIsSourcePlayer, sIsRadial, sRangePow, sNumMaxJumps, sHealthLimit, sIsRaid, sCdSpell, sCone, sJumpRangePow);
return VUHDO_getCustomDestCluster(aUnit, anArray, sIsSourcePlayer, sIsRadial, sRangePow, sNumMaxJumps, sHealthLimit, sIsRaid, sCdSpell, sCone, sJumpRangePow, sAreTargetsRandom);
......@@ -586,6 +586,7 @@ local VUHDO_DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
["CONE_DEGREES"] = 360,
["TEXT"] = {
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Bugfixes:
-- Fixed error speech sound playback during auto-trigger of trinkets and spells
-- Fixed Cluster Builder calling methods on forbidden frames
-- Fixed improper usage of API to check for Druid talent Rampant Growth
-- Fixed AOE cluster advice for spells which target randomly (thanks BlueRajasmyk)
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