Commit 509d34a8 authored by Ivaria's avatar Ivaria
Browse files

Only explicitly refresh a whitelist of auras (eg. 'Atonement') and listen for...

Only explicitly refresh a whitelist of auras (eg. 'Atonement') and listen for all SPELL_AURA_ events not just APPLIED so the updates and consistently immediate
parent 2315cbe3
......@@ -297,7 +297,9 @@ function VUHDO_parseCombatLogShieldAbsorb(aMessage, aSrcGuid, aDstGuid, aShieldN
elseif VUHDO_IMMEDIATE_HOTS[aShieldName] and VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS[aShieldName] and
"SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" == aMessage then
("SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" == aMessage or "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" == aMessage or
"SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" == aMessage or "SPELL_AURA_BROKEN" == aMessage or
"SPELL_AURA_BROKEN_SPELL" == aMessage) then
......@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ Known issues:
-- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported
-- AOE advisor not yet updated for Legion
-- Need new spell formulas and coefficients
-- No support yet for new AOEs like 'Power Word: Radiance'
-- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate
-- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values
-- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2
-- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise
......@@ -21,6 +20,9 @@ Bugfixes:
-- Added Priest 'Clarity of Will' as a default HoT icon option
-- Custom flag bouquet validator now listens for VUHDO_UPDATE_NUM_CLUSTER
-- Only explicitly refresh a whitelist of auras (eg. 'Atonement')
-- and listen for all SPELL_AURA_ events not just APPLIED so the updates
-- and consistently immediate
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