Commit 36fc744d authored by Ivaria's avatar Ivaria
Browse files

Changed dedication to reflect current maintainer.

parent ddf36856
......@@ -1465,5 +1465,5 @@ function VUHDO_OnLoad(anInstance)
anInstance:SetScript("OnEvent", VUHDO_OnEvent);
anInstance:SetScript("OnUpdate", VUHDO_OnUpdate);
VUHDO_Msg("VuhDo |cffffe566['vu:du:]|r v".. VUHDO_VERSION .. ". by Iza(ak)@Gilneas, dedicated to Vuh (use /vd)");
VUHDO_Msg("VuhDo |cffffe566['vu:du:]|r v".. VUHDO_VERSION .. " (use /vd). originally authored by Iza(ak)@EU-Gilneas in dedication to Vuh. Currently maintained by Ivaria@US-Hyjal in honor of Marshy.");
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