Version 3.80 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Patch 7.1 disabled retrieval of unit facing and position in instances -- This was an intentional breaking change by Blizzard -- This breaks AOE Advice, Clusters and out-of-range direction arrow -- At this time there is no way to fix or renable these features Bugfixes: -- Workaround for Blizzard bug in secure button onenter/onleave -- Should improve sticking keybindings when off VuhDo frames -- See: -- Fixed ToV Guarm 'Shadow Lick' debuff absorption tracking Improvements: -- Added additional default custom debuffs for ToV raid encounters -- Map Monk 'Ancient Mistweaver Arts' to 'Soothing Mist(Honor Talent)' -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.79 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Patch 7.1 disabled retrieval of unit facing and position in instances -- This was an intentional breaking change by Blizzard -- This breaks AOE Advice, Clusters and out-of-range direction arrow -- At this time there is no way to fix or renable these features Bugfixes: -- Fixed an issue where Shaman 'Healing Stream Totem' would not cast -- Fixed resurrection spell cast announcement -- Fixed Paladin non-healer smart cast resurrection -- Blizzard fixed the font drop shadow offset on their end finally Improvements: -- Added default custom debuffs for Trial of Valor raid encounters -- Added debuff absorption tracking for ToV 'Shadow Lick' -- Added debuff absorption tracking for ToV 'Corrupted Axion' -- Added seperate cast announcement for 'mass' resurrection spells -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.78 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Patch 7.1 disabled retrieval of unit facing and position in instances -- This was an intentional breaking change by Blizzard -- This breaks AOE Advice, Clusters and out-of-range direction arrow -- At this time there is no way to fix or renable these features Bugfixes: -- Fixed handling of empty values in health related combat log events -- Disabled retrieval of unit facing and map position inside instances -- Fixed font dropshadow offset which Blizzard broke in 7.1 -- Shadow offset is not scaling properly with resolution -- Hardcoded the offset to be optimal for 1920x1080 for now -- Fixed ability to bind Priest 'Shadow Mend' to a mouse/key directly -- Default custom debuffs will now always be added by spell ID -- This resolves numerous issues with ambiguous debuff names -- Please consider a complete reset of your custom debuff settings -- This can be done under 'VuhDo Options > Tools > Reset > Buffs/HoTs' -- Removed default custom debuff spell IDs that were no longer valid -- Fixed mapping of ambiguous Monk "Detox" debuff abilities by spec -- Removed some default custom debuffs for Emerald Nightmare encounters -- If there are too many debuffs for your taste then reset: -- 'VuhDo Options > Tools > Reset > Buffs/HoTs > Custom Debuffs' -- Beware you will loose all previous custom debuff settings! Improvements: -- Out of combat smart cast resurrection now prefers 'mass' spells -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.77 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Legion -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- No support yet for new AOEs like 'Power Word: Radiance' -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values Bugfixes: -- Fixed role detection for Survival Hunters -- Fixed role detection for Monks -- Mage 'Remove Curse' is no longer a valid dispel -- Updated all class dispel abilities -- Updated all default spell bindings for healer dispels -- Fixed display of GCD bar -- Fixed absorption tracking for 'Befouled' and 'Touch of Harm' -- Fixed shield absorption amount tracking of Hot icons Improvements: -- Text provider '+<#n>k' now abbreviates millions as '+<#n>M' -- Bar health text now abbreviates million as '<n>M' -- Tooltip text now abbreviates millions as '<n>M' -- Added default custom debuffs for Emerald Nightmare raid encounters -- Added debuff absorption tracking for Mythic+ affix 'Overflow' -- Added bouquet validator 'Counter: Mythic+ Overflow Absorb #k' -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.76 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Legion -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- No support yet for new AOEs like 'Power Word: Radiance' -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values Bugfixes: -- Activate profile/key layout when only the player changes specialization -- Fix nil reference in bar customizer for clusters after spec change -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.75 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Legion -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- No support yet for new AOEs like 'Power Word: Radiance' -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values Bugfixes: -- Priest 'Purge the Wicked' can be directly assigned as a spell bind again -- Fixed HoT clock start time rounding error -- Fixed error on level up where VuhDo would try to handle specialization -- changes while still in combat lockdown Improvements: -- Added Priest 'Clarity of Will' as a default HoT icon option -- Custom flag bouquet validator now listens for VUHDO_UPDATE_NUM_CLUSTER -- Only explicitly refresh an auras if it is whitelisted (eg. 'Atonement') -- and listen for all SPELL_AURA events not just APPLIED so the updates -- are consistently immediate -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.74 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Legion -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise -- Morphing spells (spells that change based on a spec or talent) such as -- Disc Priest 'Purge the Wicked' should always be bound by their orginal -- base spell name (eg. 'Shadow Word: Pain') Bugfixes: -- Resolve tracking ambiguity by caching Druid 'Cenarion Ward' by spell ID -- Import and export frames now properly auto-focus when opened -- Druid 'Spring Blossoms' now properly auto populates in the HoT dropdown Improvements: -- Explicitly refresh HoTs and bouquets when we get a SPELL_AURA_APPLIED -- event for an actively tracked HoT (requires 'Shield Status' option to -- be selected under 'VuhDo Options > Panels > HoT Icons > Shields') -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.73 Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Legion -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise -- Morphing spells (spells that change based on a spec or talent) such as -- Disc Priest 'Purge the Wicked' should always be bound by their orginal -- base spell name (eg. 'Shadow Word: Pain') Bugfixes: -- Fixed frame strata on import/export dialogs to always be 'on top' Improvements: -- Added Priest 'Atonement' as a default HoT icon option -- Added Druid 'Spring Blossoms' as a default HoT icon option -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.72. Known issues: -- Limited support for Class Order Hall Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Legion -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise Bugfixes: -- Removed AOE spell side effects from glyphs which are now entirely cosmetic -- Removed 'Recently Mass Resurrected' from default ignored debuffs -- Priest 'Prayer of Healing' is now raid wide and has a target radius of 20 yards -- Priest 'Divine Aegis' has been removed from the game -- Priest 'Spirit Shell' has been removed from the game -- Druid 'Wild Growth' now hits up to 6 targets normally and 8 with 'Incarnation' -- Druid 'Tranquility' now hits up to all 40 targets in a raid -- Druid 'Rampant Growth' has been removed from the game -- Paladin 'Light of Dawn' now hits up to 5 targets in a frontal 180 degree cone -- Paladin 'Holy Radiance' has been removed from the game -- Paladin 'Illuminated Healing' has been removed from the game -- Paladin 'Sacred Shield' has been removed from the game -- Monk 'Guard' has been removed from the game -- Warrior 'Shield Barrier' has been removed from the game -- Fixed 'Flag: Tapped' bouquet validator to use new UnitIsTapDenied() API Improvements: -- Added new power types and power colors (Maelstrom, Insanity, Pain, etc.) -- Added auto loading of profiles and key layouts for all 4 specializations -- Added Demon Hunters to the demo groups for testing panels -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.71. Known issues: -- Limited support for Garrison Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Warlords of Draenor -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise Bugfixes: -- Monochrome font outline should now work for all clients without crashing -- Fixed hiding of HoT icon countdown numbers when clock selected -- Fixed 'shield status' display for absorption spells tracked as HoT icons -- Fixed incorrect spell ID for Warlock Blood Pact Improvements: -- Added ability to import/export bouquets as strings for sharing purposes -- Under 'VuhDo Options > General > Bouquets' -- Added ability to import/export profiles as strings for sharing purposes -- Under 'VuhDo Options > Tools > Profiles' -- Be warned that large profiles can momentarily freeze the WoW client -- Custom debuffs are NOT included in the exported profile -- Added ability to import/export key layouts as strings for sharing purposes -- Under 'VuhDo Options > Tools > Key Layouts' -- This includes mouse/key binds, hostile binds, HoTs and auto triggers -- Added custom flag validator which accepts a user defined function. -- Bouquets can include any valid Lua function which returns true or false. -- The function can access the 'VUHDO_unitInfo' variable which is a map -- containing the relevant unit information. -- The example below returns true if the unit is named 'Ivaria': -- return ("Ivaria" == VUHDO_unitInfo["name"]) -- Unit information (VUHDO_unitInfo table): -- -- afk - boolean - true if unit is AFK -- aggro - boolean - true if unit has aggro -- charmed - boolean - true if unit is charmed -- class - string - the unit's class name -- classId - number - the unit's class ID -- 20 - warrior -- 21 - rogue -- 22 - hunter -- 23 - paladin -- 24 - mage -- 25 - warlock -- 26 - shaman -- 27 - druid -- 28 - priest -- 29 - death knight -- 30 - monk -- className - string - the unit's class name prettified -- connected - boolean - true if unit is connected -- dead - boolean - true if unit is dead -- debuff - boolean - true if the unit has an active debuff -- debuffName - string - the most recent debuff on the unit -- fullName - string - the full name of the unit -- group - number - the group the unit is in -- health - number - the unit's current health -- healthmax - number - the unit's maximum health -- isAltPower - boolean - true if unit has an alt power active -- isPet - boolean - true if unit is a pet -- isVehicle - boolean - true if unit is in a vehicle -- name - string - the name of the unit -- ownerUnit - string - unit's owner if pet or vehicle -- petUnit - string - the unit's pet unit ID -- power - number - the unit's current power -- powermax - number - the unit's maximum power -- powertype - number - the type of power -- 0 - mana -- 1 - rage -- 2 - focus -- 3 - energy -- 4 - happiness -- 5 - runes -- raidIcon - number - the raid icon if unit is marked -- 1 - yellow 4-point Star -- 2 - orange circle -- 3 - purple diamond -- 4 - green triangle -- 5 - white crescent moon -- 6 - blue square -- 7 - red "X" cross -- 8 - white skull -- range - boolean - true if unit is in range -- role - number - the unit's combat role -- 60 - melee tank -- 61 - melee damage -- 62 - ranged damage -- 63 - ranged heal -- targetUnit - string - the unit's target -- threat - number - the unit's threat status -- 0 - not tanking, lower threat than tank -- 1 - not tanking, higher threat than tank -- 2 - insecurely tanking, another unit has higher threat -- 3 - securely tanking, highest threat -- threatPerc - number - the unit's threat percentage -- unit - string - the unit ID -- visible - boolean - true if the unit is visible -- -- Added option to hide buff watch while out of combat -- Under 'VuhDo Options > Buffs > General' -- Added Huffman compression for profile sharing and storage -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.70. Known issues: -- Limited support for Garrison Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Warlords of Draenor -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise Bugfixes: -- Disabled option for Monochrome font hint which crashes some WoW clients Improvements: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.69. Known issues: -- Limited support for Garrison Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Warlords of Draenor -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise Bugfixes: -- Removed Shadow of Death from the default custom debuff list for HFC -- If you are upgrading from v3.68 please note Shadow of Death needs to -- be manually deleted from the custom debuff list -- Fixed localization bug when adding default custom debuffs by spell ID -- Fixed muting of SFX and Error Speech when auto-firing spells/trinkets -- Fixed smart cast for Holy Priest while in a Chakra stance -- Re-enabled option for Monochrome font hint Improvements: -- Added additional default custom debuffs for patch 6.2 (HFC raid encounters) -- Added healer legendary ring buff Etheralus as a HoT/absorb -- Added Fel Lord Zakuun Befouled debuff absorb tracking -- Added Tyrant Velhari Touch of Harm debuff absorb tracking -- Added support for VelhariRaidFrameAdjust and Velhari Health Fix addons -- Note only Velhari Health Fix versions greater than 1.0 will work -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.68. Known issues: -- Limited support for Garrison Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Warlords of Draenor -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise Bugfixes: -- Fixed updating of debuff icon texture (eg. Mark of the Necromancer) Improvements: -- Bumped TOCs for 6.2 -- Added default custom debuffs for patch 6.2 (HFC raid encounters + Kazzak) -- Added default common debuffs to the ignore list (eg. Exhaustion) -- Added new bindable command "ExtraActionButton" (useful to pass Eye of Anzu) -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.67. Known issues: -- Limited support for Garrison Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Warlords of Draenor -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise Bugfixes: -- Fixed floating point number comparison when closing/canceling VuhDo Options -- Fixed error speech sound playback during auto-trigger of trinkets and spells -- Fixed Cluster Builder calling methods on forbidden frames -- Fixed improper usage of API to check for Druid talent Rampant Growth -- Fixed AOE cluster advice for spells which target randomly (thanks BlueRajasmyk) -- Fixed interacting with a frame after battle res when using Clique compat mode -- Fixed tracking of tier 18 Shaman four piece bonus Riptide -- Fixed incorrect spell ID for Shaman spell Riptide Improvements: -- Bumped TOCs for 6.1 -- New special panel type 'NPCs' for boss encounter unit frames (thanks Dridzt) -- Added panel type 'NPCs' to panel wizzard under 'Tools > Panel Wizard' -- Listen to UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT events for more responsive health reporting -- Added missing notable encounter debuffs for Blackrock Foundry -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.66. Known issues: -- Limited support for Garrison Bodyguards -- Bodyguards can be used in panels when set to target or focus -- Bodyguards have no unit ID so for now are only partially supported -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Warlords of Draenor -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise Bugfixes: -- Warlock spell Dark Intent no longer provides raid wide stamina buff -- Fixed pump aegis tooltip to correctly indicate a cap of 60% player max health -- Fixed Clarity of Will to cap at 75% of the caster's maximum health -- Fixed bug when saving macros for player names with extended characters -- Removed Hunter Rapid Fire from custom debuff list -- Added all Mar'gok's Arcane Wrath/Mark of Chaos variations to custom debuffs -- Fixed GCD bar display for Discipline and Shadow Priests -- Fixed cluster builder calling methods on forbidden frames (eg. in-game store) -- Fixed Swiftmendable bouquet validator when using L100 talent Rampant Growth -- Fixed the loading of HoTs when changing key layouts -- Buff Watch no longer attempts to smart cast hostile buffs on friendly targets Improvements: -- Added new default bouquet for Paladin Beacon of Light and Faith -- Added Hunter Lone Wolf to Buff Watch -- Added Paladin Beacon of Faith to Buff Watch -- Added Paladin Beacon of Faith as default HoT icon option -- Added Paladin Beacon of Insight as a default HoT icon option -- Added Paladin Stay of Execution as a default HoT icon option -- Added new bouquets for excess and total absorbtion percentages -- Status: Excess Absorption % -- Status: Total Absorption % -- The menu command can still be key bound when using Clique compat mode -- New option checkbox 'VuhDo Options > General > Misc > Clique Pass-Thru' -- Panels can now have up to a maximum of 40 columns and 40 rows -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.65. Known issues: -- Settings are not saved when the character name includes a special character -- Mac OS X WoW client bug - -- Holy Priest spells derived from Chakra stance behave oddly as of 6.0.2 -- Stance specific spells must all use the spell name Holy Word: Chastise -- Incoming heal estimation reported is not even close to accurate -- Bug in Blizzard API UnitGetIncomingHeals() - returns bogus values -- AOE advisor not yet updated for Warlords of Draenor -- Need new spell formulas and coefficients Bugfixes: -- Fixed profile activation due to group size 20 -- Fixed the inability of players without assist to see ready checks -- Fixed VuhDo Options tooltip mispellings in EN and ES localizations Improvements: -- Added ability to select a default profile and key layout -- Defaults are applied when no existing settings are found -- Copying a profile now also creates a copy of the selected key layout -- Added new raid group size 30 man -- Tools > Profiles > Activate due to group size -- Move > Hold to Test -- Added new bouquets to check if a unit is in same zone as the player -- Flag: Player Zone, Inside -- Flag: Player Zone, Outside -- Added new bouquets to check if a unit is a particular class of tank -- Flag: Role Tank, Death Knight -- Flag: Role Tank, Druid -- Flag: Role Tank, Monk -- Flag: Role Tank, Paladin -- Flag: Role Tank, Warrior -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.64. Bugfixes: -- Fixed Buff Watch support for the new type of derived spells -- Fixed watching of Shaman Lightning Shield and Water Shield -- Fixed watching of Paladin Seal of Truth -- Fixed bug where magic debuffs were not flagged as removable for Monks -- Removed deprecated Hunter spell Aspect of the Iron Hawk -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.63. Bugfixes: -- Fixed bug where magic debuffs were not flagged as removable for Paladins -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.62. Bugfixes: -- Fixed invalid Blizzard Talent API call -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.61. Bugfixes: -- Fixed Masque integration to no longer call deprecated API 'Skin' -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.60. Bugfixes: -- Fixed bug where saving custom debuff settings would reset the custom debuff color -- Fixed bug where custom debuffs added by spell ID did not have all settings applied -- Fixed bug where custom debuffs were not playing sounds when selected -- Fixed bug where isInSameZone check always returned true -- BuffWatch now correctly ignores other players outside the players zone -- Global scanner perf bump when 'same zone' limit selected -- Fixed bug in the combat log parsing for incoming swing damage amount -- Removed deprecated spells and abilities -- Removed Death Knight spell Unholy Frenzy -- Removed Druid spell Nourish -- Removed Druid spell Symbiosis -- Removed Hunter aspect Aspect of the Hawk -- Changed Hunter aspect Aspect of the Iron Hawk to Iron Hawk -- Removed Monk raid cooldown Avert Harm -- Removed Monk spell Serpent's Zeal -- Changed Paladin spell Divine Light to Holy Light -- Removed Paladin spell Inquisition -- Removed Priest spell Hymn of Hope -- Removed Priest spell Void Shift -- Removed Priest spell Inner Fire -- Removed Priest spell Inner Will -- Changed Priest spell Greater Heal to Heal -- Removed Rogue poison Mind Numbing Poison -- Changed Rogue poison Paralytic Poison to Internal Bleeding -- Changed Shaman spell Greater Healing Wave to Healing Wave -- Removed Shaman weapon enchant Earthliving Weapon -- Removed Shaman weapon enchant Flametongue Weapon -- Removed Shaman weapon enchant Frostbrand Weapon -- Removed Shaman weapon enchant Rockbiter Weapon -- Removed Shaman weapon enchant Windfury Weapon -- Removed Shaman totem Mana Tide Totem -- Removed Shaman totem Stormlash Totem -- Removed Shaman spell Burning Wrath -- Removed Warrior raid cooldown Demoralizing Banner Improvements: -- Added new raid group size 20 man -- Tools > Profiles > Activate due to group size -- Move > Hold to Test -- Added custom debuffs for 6.0 raid content -- Added new spells and abilities -- Added new Priest spell Clarity of Will as pumpable absorb -- Added new Hunter aspect Aspect of the Fox -- Added new Mage raid cooldown Amplify Magic -- Added new Druid spell Rejuvenation (Germination) as HoT icon -- Added new Druid spell Genesis as HoT icon Changes: -- Updated TOC for 6.0 -- Updated Swiftmendable check to include units with Rejuvenation (Germination) -- Updated Swiftmendable check to exclude others HoTs when Rampant Growth is selected -- Updated toolbox helper function for GetTalentInfo API changes -- Updated 'Spells > Keys global' edit box to properly decorate text Features: -- Minor update for Warlords of Draenor TODO: -- Updated incoming/over heal estimation -- Appears to not be a bug in VuhDo -- UnitGetIncomingHeals API seems to return bogus values on beta/PTR? -- Updated AOE advisor spell bases -- Healing spell base values have been removed (H = Cx + B is now H = Cx) -- Need to empirically test coefficients shown on beta tooltips -- Use Hamlet's updated spreadsheet for WoD? -- Updated AOE advisor glyph item IDs -- Updated AOE advisor Glyph of Light of Dawn support -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.53. Bugfixes: -- Fixed client side slider bug Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.52. Bugfixes: -- Fixed a bug in loading profiles via command line Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.51. Bugfixes: Improvements: -- Added custom debuffs for 5.4 raid content Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.50. Bugfixes: -- Fixes to Chi Burst AoE advice (Thanks to Merlin52626) -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: Changes: -- Upated toc for patch 5.4 Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.44. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.43. Bugfixes: -- Fixed possible taint in debuff handling -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: Changes: -- Some checkboxes Options=>General=>Misc changed to "enable" instead of "disable" style Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.41. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: Changes: Features: -- Added new bouquet item "Statusbar: Overshielded" -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.40. Bugfixes: -- Some bugfixes from 3.39 Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.39. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfixes -- Fixed color picker color code Improvements: -- Smarter dynamic memory allocation -- Creation of some ui elements if needed only to reduce memory usage Changes: -- Using all opaque texture for panel background now. May need to adjust opacity (options=>panels=>general) -- Revamped Options=>Move and other UI elemets a bit Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.38. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: -- major memory optimizations -- minor performance optimizations -- Two VuhDo panels colliding should not lead to a short stutter anymore Changes: Features: -- Color picker for single target direction arrow w/o range (options=>colors=states) -- HoT bars can now be vertical, inverted, have axis turned (options=>panels=>hot bars) -- Bouquet item for showing shields as standalone bar -- You can have your target or focus as separate panel group now (options=>Move, "Special" => "Target", "Focus") -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.37. Bugfixes: -- Fixed bug when sharing profiles Improvements: -- Power Word: Solace will now be recognized -- Major code cleanup and memory optimizations -- Added monk abilities to default bouquet "tank cooldowns extd" Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.36. Bugfixes: -- Fixed a bug where custom debuff icons could remain in wrong size -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: -- Added some more ignore by... debuffs Changes: Features: -- Added option to not fade debuff icons when player gets out of range (Options=>Debuffs=>Visuals) -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.35. Bugfixes: -- Fixed irrelevant debuffs showing by icon -- Fixed possible gvar taint issue -- Minor bugfix Improvements: -- Minor optimizations -- Added some Mage buffs to BuffWatch Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.34. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfix Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.33. Bugfixes: -- Shield status hot icon now working as configured -- Fixed some talent spells not being recognized -- Fixed alive units showing dead BGs sometimes -- Added Dark intent to stamina buff Improvements: -- Added custom debuffs for 5.2 raids -- Updated debuff ignore list Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.32. Bugfixes: -- Fixed raid target icon in combo options=>panels=>misc Improvements: -- Many optimizations Changes: -- Changed overall shield value detection to 5.2 standard system Features: -- Separated icons and color "removable only" debuff option (Options=>Debuffs=>Standard) -- Added Shield Bar (Options=>General=>Incoming, "Shield Bar") (Options=>Colors=>Modes, "Shield Bar") -- Introducing Text Providers for (Options=>Panels=>Misc "Overheal" Indicator) (Options=>General=>Indicators", "more" next to ... "Mana Bar", "Side Left", "Side Right". More to come...) -- You can now copy/paste color codes as hex string in any color picker -- Added default PvP flag carrier bouquet -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.31. - updated toc for patch 5.2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.30. Bugfixes: -- Fixed damage flash bar -- Fixed possibly incorrect button sizes after changing a profile Improvements: -- BuffWatch will be hidden in pet battles now Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.29. Bugfixes: -- BuffWatch Rebuff Arcane Brilliance if either no spell power OR no crit buff on target Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.28. Bugfixes: -- Hopefully fixed Eternal Flame AoE predicition Improvements: -- Performance optimizations -- Direction arrow bouquet now can have range text yards/10 -- Added more shields to shield absorb (thx acer13189) Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.27. Bugfixes: -- Performance optimizations Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.26. Bugfixes: -- Workaround for unit incoming resurrection client bug -- Fixed a bug in shield absorb calculation Improvements: -- Added several default custom debuffs (options=>tools=>reset "Custom Debuffs" may be needed) -- Increased performance -- All mutual exclusive buffs should be recognized by BuffWatch now -- Bouquet item "SHIELD_COUNT" now works for shields from all sources Changes: Features: -- Added Chi Burst to trackable AOE advices (experimental) -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.25. Bugfixes: -- Bugfix with bouquets Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.24. Bugfixes: -- Hopefully fixed a bug with icons disappearing after player died Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.23. Bugfixes: -- Fixed a bug with mana bars etc disappearing sometimes when player target changed Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.22. Bugfixes: -- Fixed a major bug not updating raid members properly sometimes Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.21. Bugfixes: -- AOE advice calculations fix for Priests -- Fixed rez announce chat channel name Improvements: -- Signicantly reduced memory/cpu consumption on when changing player target. Changes: -- Removed "Keep Stance" from Options=>Spells=>Misc (didn't work, use /console autoUnshift 0/1 instead) Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.20. Bugfixes: -- Changed "Dark Power", "Light Power" constants to "Chi" pendants Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.19. Bugfixes: -- Changed "Mastery: Illuminated Healing" to "Illuminated Healing" to track the buff really -- Fixed error in options menu introduced with 5.1 Improvements: -- Increased display update speed after pet summon -- Weapon enchants will now be told apart Changes: -- Tagged for version 5.1 Features: -- Added Symbiosis to BuffWatch -- Added rogue poisons to BuffWatch -- Added shaman offhand weapon enchant to BuffWatch -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.18. Bugfixes: -- Changed Dark Intent to raid wide buff for BuffWatch -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: -- Added improved version of PW:S to shield absorb tracking Changes: Features: -- Added bouquet item for counter "Counter: All shields absorb #k" showing the remaining shield absorption of all shields on the target -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.17. Bugfixes: -- Added missing GCD reference spell for monks -- Possible fix for flashing hots -- Possible fix for bouquets after profile loading Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.16. Bugfixes: -- Fixed a serious cpu resource hog introduced with 3.9 Improvements: -- Increased performance after raid roster changes Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.15. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfix in tooltips -- Bugfix (hopefully) for totem cooldowns not displaying properly Improvements: -- Added a lot of mop default custom debuffs Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.14. Bugfixes: -- Fixed repeated ready-check not showing properly -- Fixed some HoTs not updating properly when changing profiles Improvements: Changes: Features: -- Added bouquet item "flag: class color if active" This enables you to apply class color to any active icon -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.13. Bugfixes: -- Fixed a range detection bug in PT panel -- Fixed party panel hiding bug -- Fixed a bug with options not showing active panel sometimes -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: -- Inreased hitbox for custom debuff tooltips Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.12. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: -- Improved registering of events when force show blizz frames is enabled in options=>general=>miscs Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.11. Bugfixes: -- Fixed a bug in player group determination -- Fixed several possible taint problems -- Soulstone, Enveloping Mist and Surging Mist should now work as intended if Soothing mist is channeling -- Fixed coincidence with other addons hiding Blizz UI elements -- Fixed bug in range detecton Improvements: -- Player powers will be updated more frequently -- Minor optimizations Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.9. Bugfixes: -- Minor bugfix with range detection for enemy targets -- Minor bugfix with overheal higlight not reseting properly -- Other minor bugfixes Improvements: -- Reduced memory consumption -- Major options code rework, reduces memory usage, increased flexibility for future extensions -- Added Sacred Shield to trackable buffs Changes: -- Added "Vixar" to default libSharedMedia fonts Features: -- On popular demand: Options=>General=>Misc "Hide Blizz xyz" is tri-state now. So you can "leave alone/show/hide blizz" frames. May need to overwrite existing profiles in order to have Blizz UI elements shown when hidden from another addon Defaults to: Leave alone -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.7. Bugfixes: -- Fixed problem with minimap button Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.6. Bugfixes: -- Fixed dc shield macro icons -- Fixed group size detection for group of 5 -- Fixed shield absorb calculation -- Fix for libSharedMedia which seems to be registering nil for "none" borders now -- Hopefully fixes a bug with minimap setting not saving sometimes -- Minor bugfixes -- Attempt to fix smart cast battle rez Improvements: -- Added Grimoire of Sacrifice to BuffWatch -- Added Cenarion Ward to hot list -- Added Serpent's Zeal to trackable hots -- Improved BuffWatch options buff detection for low level toons Changes: -- Integrated minimap icon into VuhDo to save some bytes -- Some Code cleanup Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.5. Bugfixes: -- All characters "." and "#" will be removed from bouquet names to avoid crashes -- Switched shield absorb estimation to spell ids instead of spell names -- Aggro indicator marks working again -- Minor bugfixes Improvements: -- Improved range checking for hostile targets -- Added default bouquet "Raid Cooldowns" (Thank you, Zohar) -- Added Spirit Shell to "Pump Aegis" feature -- Updated libSharedMedia -- Minor optimizations Changes: Features: -- Added default bouquet "Raid CDs" (Thanks to Zohar) -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.4. Bugfixes: -- Some rewrite of buff watch code to make it more robus -- Fixed glyph/talent taint bug -- Fixed a bug with resurrection announcement -- Fixed a bug with VuhDo not auto hiding in parties -- Hopefully fixed a bug with target/focus frame taint Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.2. Bugfixes: -- Fixed use of custom macros Improvements: Changes: Features: -------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.1. Bugfixes: -- Sharing profiles fixed -- Casting Purify Spirit, Eternal Flame fixed -- Eternal Flame available for HoT Icons Improvements: Changes: Features: