local _; local strsub = strsub; local InCombatLockdown = InCombatLockdown; local twipe = table.wipe; local tinsert = tinsert; local strfind = strfind; local strsplit = strsplit; local strbyte = strbyte; local floor = floor; local tonumber = tonumber; local select = select; local strmatch = strmatch; local IsInRaid = IsInRaid; local IsInGroup = IsInGroup; local UnitInRange = UnitInRange; local GetRaidRosterInfo = GetRaidRosterInfo; local IsInInstance = IsInInstance; local IsSpellInRange = IsSpellInRange; local GetTime = GetTime; local GetRealZoneText = GetRealZoneText; local GetMapInfo = GetMapInfo; local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo; local SetMapToCurrentZone = SetMapToCurrentZone; local UnitAlternatePowerInfo = UnitAlternatePowerInfo; local WorldMapFrame = WorldMapFrame; local GetMouseFocus = GetMouseFocus; local GetPlayerFacing = GetPlayerFacing; local GetPlayerMapPosition = GetPlayerMapPosition; local GetSpellBookItemInfo = GetSpellBookItemInfo; local CheckInteractDistance = CheckInteractDistance; local UnitIsUnit = UnitIsUnit; local IsAltKeyDown = IsAltKeyDown; local IsControlKeyDown = IsControlKeyDown; local IsShiftKeyDown = IsShiftKeyDown; local VUHDO_atan2 = math.atan2; local VUHDO_PI, VUHDO_2_PI = math.pi, math.pi * 2; local pairs = pairs; local type = type; local abs = abs; local sEmpty = { }; setmetatable(sEmpty, { __newindex = function(aTable, aKey, aValue) VUHDO_xMsg("WARNING: newindex on dummy array: ", aKey, aValue); end }); -- Common meta tables VUHDO_META_EMPTY_ARRAY = { __index = function (aTable, aKey) return sEmpty; end }; VUHDO_META_NEW_ARRAY = { __index = function(aTable, aKey) local tValue = { }; rawset(aTable, aKey, tValue); return tValue; end }; -- returns an array of numbers sequentially found in a string local tNumbers = { }; local tIndex; local tDigit; local tIsInNumber; function VUHDO_getNumbersFromString(aName, aMaxAnz) twipe(tNumbers); tIndex = 0; tIsInNumber = false; for tCnt = 1, #aName do tDigit = strbyte(aName, tCnt); if tDigit >= 48 and tDigit <= 57 then if tIsInNumber then tNumbers[tIndex] = tNumbers[tIndex] * 10 + tDigit - 48; else tIsInNumber = true; tIndex = tIndex + 1; tNumbers[tIndex] = tDigit - 48; end else if tIndex >= aMaxAnz then return tNumbers; end tIsInNumber = false; end end return tNumbers; end -- --[[VUHDO_COMBAT_LOG_TRACE = {}; local tEntry; function VUHDO_traceCombatLog(anArg1, anArg2, anArg3, anArg4, anArg5, anArg6, anArg7, anArg8, anArg9, anArg10, anArg11, anArg12, anArg13, anArg14) tEntry = ""; tEntry = tEntry .. "[1]:" .. (anArg1 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[2]:" .. (anArg2 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[3]:" .. (anArg3 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[4]:" .. (anArg4 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[5]:" .. (anArg5 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[6]:" .. (anArg6 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[7]:" .. (anArg7 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[8]:" .. (anArg8 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[9]:" .. (anArg9 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[10]:" .. (anArg10 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[11]:" .. (anArg11 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[12]:" .. (anArg12 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[13]:" .. (anArg13 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[14]:" .. (anArg14 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[15]:" .. (anArg15 or "<nil>") .. ","; tEntry = tEntry .. "[16]:" .. (anArg16 or "<nil>") .. ","; tinsert(VUHDO_COMBAT_LOG_TRACE, tEntry); end]] -- function VUHDO_tableUniqueAdd(aTable, aValue) for _, tValue in pairs(aTable) do if tValue == aValue then return false; end end aTable[#aTable + 1] = aValue; return true; end -- function VUHDO_tableRemoveValue(aTable, aValue) for tIndex, tValue in pairs(aTable) do if tValue == aValue then tremove(aTable, tIndex); return; end end end -- function VUHDO_tableGetKeyFromValue(aTable, aValue) for tKey, tValue in pairs(aTable) do if tValue == aValue then return tKey; end end return nil; end ---------------------------------------------------- local VUHDO_RAID_NAMES; local VUHDO_RAID; local VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS; local VUHDO_CONFIG; local VUHDO_GROUPS_BUFFS; local VUHDO_BOSS_UNIT; local sRangeSpell; local sIsGuessRange = true; local sScanRange; local sZeroRange = ""; -- local VUHDO_updateBouquetsForEvent; function VUHDO_toolboxInitLocalOverrides() VUHDO_RAID_NAMES = _G["VUHDO_RAID_NAMES"]; VUHDO_RAID = _G["VUHDO_RAID"]; VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS = _G["VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS"]; VUHDO_CONFIG = _G["VUHDO_CONFIG"]; VUHDO_GROUPS_BUFFS = _G["VUHDO_GROUPS_BUFFS"]; VUHDO_BOSS_UNIT = _G["VUHDO_BOSS_UNIT"]; VUHDO_updateBouquetsForEvent = _G["VUHDO_updateBouquetsForEvent"]; sScanRange = tonumber(VUHDO_CONFIG["SCAN_RANGE"]); sRangeSpell = VUHDO_CONFIG["RANGE_SPELL"]; sIsGuessRange = VUHDO_CONFIG["RANGE_PESSIMISTIC"] or GetSpellInfo(VUHDO_CONFIG["RANGE_SPELL"]) == nil; sZeroRange = "0.0 " .. VUHDO_I18N_YARDS; end local VUHDO_PROFILE_TIMER; -- function VUHDO_initProfiler() VUHDO_PROFILE_TIMER = GetTime() * 1000; end -- function VUHDO_seeProfiler() VUHDO_xMsg("D: ", floor(GetTime() * 1000 - VUHDO_PROFILE_TIMER)); end -- Print chat frame line with no "{Vuhdo} prefix function VUHDO_MsgC(aMessage, aRed, aGreen, aBlue) aRed, aGreen, aBlue = aRed or 1, aGreen or 0.7, aBlue or 0.2; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(aMessage, aRed, aGreen, aBlue); end -- local function VUHDO_arg2Text(anArg) if anArg == nil then return "<nil>"; elseif "function" == type(anArg) then return "<func>"; elseif "table" == type(anArg) then return "<table>"; elseif "boolean" == type(anArg) then return anArg and "<true>" or "<false>"; elseif anArg == "" then return " "; else return anArg; end end -- Print a standard chat frame function VUHDO_Msg(aMessage, aRed, aGreen, aBlue) VUHDO_MsgC("|cffffe566{VuhDo}|r " .. VUHDO_arg2Text(aMessage), aRed, aGreen, aBlue) end -- function VUHDO_xMsg(...) local tText = ""; for tCnt = 1, select('#', ...) do tText = tText .. tCnt .. "=[" .. VUHDO_arg2Text(select(tCnt, ...)) .. "] "; end VUHDO_MsgC(tText); end -- function VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType() return IsInRaid() and 2 or IsInGroup() and 1 or 0; end local VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType = VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType; -- returns unit-prefix, pet-prefix and maximum number of players in a party function VUHDO_getUnitIds() if IsInRaid() then return "raid", "raidpet"; elseif IsInGroup() then return "party", "partypet"; else return "player", "pet"; end end -- Extracts unit number from a Unit's name local tUnitNo; function VUHDO_getUnitNo(aUnit) if not aUnit or VUHDO_isSpecialUnit(aUnit) then return 0; end if "player" == aUnit then aUnit = VUHDO_PLAYER_RAID_ID or "player"; end return tonumber(strsub(aUnit, -2, -1)) or tonumber(strsub(aUnit, -1)) or 1; end local VUHDO_getUnitNo = VUHDO_getUnitNo; -- returns the units subgroup number, or 0 for pets/focus function VUHDO_getUnitGroup(aUnit, anIsPet) if anIsPet or not aUnit or VUHDO_isSpecialUnit(aUnit) then return 0; elseif VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_RAID == VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType() then return select(3, GetRaidRosterInfo(VUHDO_getUnitNo(aUnit))) or 1; else return 1; end end -- function VUHDO_isTargetInRange(aUnit) return UnitIsUnit("player", aUnit) or CheckInteractDistance(aUnit, 1); end local VUHDO_isTargetInRange = VUHDO_isTargetInRange; -- returns wether or not a unit is in range function VUHDO_isInRange(aUnit) if "player" == aUnit then return true; elseif VUHDO_isSpecialUnit(aUnit) then return VUHDO_isTargetInRange(aUnit); elseif (sIsGuessRange) then return UnitInRange(aUnit); else local tIsSpellInRange = IsSpellInRange(sRangeSpell, aUnit); if tIsSpellInRange ~= nil then return (tIsSpellInRange == 1) and true or false; else return UnitInRange(aUnit); end end end -- Parses a aString line into an array of arguments function VUHDO_textParse(aString) aString = strtrim(aString); while strfind(aString, " ", 1, true) do aString = gsub(aString, " ", " "); end return VUHDO_splitString(aString, " "); end -- Returns a "deep" copy of a table, -- which means containing tables will be copies value-wise, not by reference function VUHDO_deepCopyTable(aTable) local tDestTable = { }; for tKey, tValue in pairs(aTable) do tDestTable[tKey] = "table" == type(tValue) and VUHDO_deepCopyTable(tValue) or tValue; end return tDestTable; end -- Tokenizes a String into an array of strings, which were delimited by "aChar" function VUHDO_splitString(aText, aChar) return { strsplit(aChar, aText) }; end -- returns true if player currently is in a battleground local tType; function VUHDO_isInBattleground() _, tType = IsInInstance(); return "pvp" == tType or "arena" == tType; end local VUHDO_isInBattleground = VUHDO_isInBattleground; -- returns the appropriate addon message channel for player function VUHDO_getAddOnDistribution() return VUHDO_isInBattleground() and "BATTLEGROUND" or VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_RAID == VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType() and "RAID" or "PARTY"; end -- returns the units rank in a raid which is 0 = raid member, 1 = assist, 2 = leader -- returns 2 if not in raid local tRank, tIsMl, tGroupType; function VUHDO_getUnitRank(aUnit) tGroupType = VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType(); if VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_RAID == tGroupType then _, tRank, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, tIsMl = GetRaidRosterInfo(VUHDO_getUnitNo(aUnit)); return tRank, tIsMl; elseif VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_PARTY == tGroupType then return UnitIsGroupLeader(aUnit) and 2 or 0, true; else return 2, true; end end -- returns the players rank in a raid which is 0 = raid member, 1 = assist, 2 = leader -- returns leader if not in raid, and member if solo, as no main tank are needed function VUHDO_getPlayerRank() return VUHDO_getUnitRank("player"); end -- returns the raid unit of player eg. "raid13" or "party4" local tRaidUnit; function VUHDO_getPlayerRaidUnit() if VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_RAID == VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType() then for tCnt = 1, 40 do tRaidUnit = "raid" .. tCnt; if UnitIsUnit("player", tRaidUnit) then return tRaidUnit; end end end return "player"; end local VUHDO_getPlayerRaidUnit = VUHDO_getPlayerRaidUnit; -- function VUHDO_getNumGroupMembers(aGroupId) return #(VUHDO_GROUPS[aGroupId] or sEmpty); end -- local tZone, tIndex, tMap, tInfo; function VUHDO_getUnitZoneName(aUnit) tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[aUnit]; if not tInfo then return; end if "player" == aUnit or tInfo["visible"] then tZone = GetRealZoneText(); elseif VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_RAID == VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType() then tIndex = (VUHDO_RAID[aUnit] or sEmpty)["number"] or 1; _, _, _, _, _, _, tZone = GetRaidRosterInfo(tIndex); else VuhDoScanTooltip:SetOwner(VuhDo, "ANCHOR_NONE"); VuhDoScanTooltip:ClearLines(); VuhDoScanTooltip:SetUnit(aUnit) tZone = VuhDoScanTooltipTextLeft3:GetText(); if tZone == "PvP" then tZone = VuhDoScanTooltipTextLeft4:GetText(); end end tMap = GetMapInfo(); return tZone or tMap or VUHDO_I18N_UNKNOWN, tMap; end -- local tName, tEnchant; function VUHDO_getWeaponEnchantName(aSlot) VuhDoScanTooltip:SetOwner(VuhDo, "ANCHOR_NONE"); VuhDoScanTooltip:ClearLines(); VuhDoScanTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", aSlot); for tCnt = 1, VuhDoScanTooltip:NumLines() do tName = strmatch(_G["VuhDoScanTooltipTextLeft" .. tCnt]:GetText(), "^.+ %(%d+%s+.+%)$"); if tName then tEnchant = gsub(tName, " %(.+%)", ""); return tEnchant; end end return "*"; end -- function VUHDO_isInSameZone(aUnit) return (VUHDO_RAID[aUnit] or sEmpty)["zone"] == (VUHDO_RAID["player"] or sEmpty)["zone"]; end local VUHDO_isInSameZone = VUHDO_isInSameZone; -- Returns health of unit info in Percent local tHealthMax; function VUHDO_getUnitHealthPercent(anInfo) tHealthMax = anInfo["healthmax"]; return tHealthMax == 0 and 0 or anInfo["health"] < tHealthMax and 100 * anInfo["health"] / tHealthMax or 100; end -- function VUHDO_isSpellKnown(aSpellName) return GetSpellBookItemInfo(aSpellName) ~= nil or VUHDO_NAME_TO_SPELL[aSpellName] ~= nil and GetSpellBookItemInfo(VUHDO_NAME_TO_SPELL[aSpellName]); end -- function VUHDO_getTalentSpellId(aTalentName, onlyActiveSpec) if onlyActiveSpec then for tier=1,7 do for column=1,3 do local id, name, _, selected, _ = GetTalentInfo(tier, column, GetActiveSpecGroup()); if name == aTalentName and selected then return id; end end end else for group=1,2 do for tier=1,7 do for column=1,3 do local id, name, _, selected, _ = GetTalentInfo(tier, column, group); if name == aTalentName and selected then return id; end end end end end return nil; end -- function VUHDO_isTalentKnown(aTalentName, onlyActiveSpec) return VUHDO_getTalentSpellId(aTalentName, onlyActiveSpec) and true or false; end -- local tDeltaSecs; function VUHDO_getDurationTextSince(aStartTime) if not aStartTime then return ""; end tDeltaSecs = GetTime() - aStartTime; return tDeltaSecs >= 3600 and format("(|cffffffff%.0f:%02d %s|r)", tDeltaSecs / 3600, floor(tDeltaSecs / 60) % 60, VUHDO_I18N_HOURS) or format("(|cffffffff%d:%02d %s|r)", tDeltaSecs / 60, tDeltaSecs % 60, VUHDO_I18N_MINS); end -- local tDistance; function VUHDO_getDistanceText(aUnit) tDistance = VUHDO_getDistanceBetween("player", aUnit); return tDistance ~= nil and tDistance or "player" == aUnit and sZeroRange or VUHDO_I18N_UNKNOWN; end -- local sTargetUnits = { }; function VUHDO_getTargetUnit(aSourceUnit) if not sTargetUnits[aSourceUnit] then sTargetUnits[aSourceUnit] = "player" == aSourceUnit and "target" or aSourceUnit .. "target"; end return sTargetUnits[aSourceUnit]; end -- function VUHDO_getResurrectionSpells() return (VUHDO_RESURRECTION_SPELLS[VUHDO_PLAYER_CLASS] or sEmpty)[1], (VUHDO_RESURRECTION_SPELLS[VUHDO_PLAYER_CLASS] or sEmpty)[2]; end -- local tInfo; function VUHDO_resolveVehicleUnit(aUnit) tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[aUnit] or sEmpty; return tInfo["isPet"] and (VUHDO_RAID[tInfo["ownerUnit"]] or sEmpty)["isVehicle"] and tInfo["ownerUnit"] or aUnit; end -- function VUHDO_getUnitButtons(aUnit) return VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS[aUnit]; end function VUHDO_getUnitButtonsSafe(aUnit) return VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS[aUnit] or sEmpty; end -- function VUHDO_getUnitButtonsPanel(aUnit, aPanelNum) return (VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL[aUnit] or sEmpty)[aPanelNum] or sEmpty; end -- local tInfo; function VUHDO_shouldScanUnit(aUnit) tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[aUnit] or sEmpty; if not tInfo["connected"] or tInfo["dead"] then return true; elseif sScanRange == 1 then return VUHDO_isInSameZone(aUnit); elseif sScanRange == 2 then return tInfo["visible"]; elseif sScanRange == 3 then return tInfo["baseRange"]; else return true; end end -- local tNumChars; local tNumCut; local tByte; function VUHDO_utf8Cut(aString, aNumChars) tNumCut = 1; tNumChars = 0; while tNumCut < #aString and tNumChars < aNumChars do tByte = strbyte(aString, tNumCut); tNumCut = tNumCut + ( tByte < 194 and 1 or tByte < 224 and 2 or tByte < 240 and 3 or tByte < 245 and 4 or 1 -- invalid ); tNumChars = tNumChars + 1; end return strsub(aString, 1, tNumCut - 1); end -- function VUHDO_strempty(aString) if (aString or "") ~= "" then for tCnt = 1, #aString do if strbyte(aString, tCnt) ~= 32 then return false; end end end return true; end -- function VUHDO_tableAddAllKeys(aDestTable, aTableToAdd) for tIndex, tValue in pairs(aTableToAdd) do aDestTable[tIndex] = tValue; end end -- Throttle resetting to current map to avoid conflicts with other addons local tNextTime = 0; function VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone() if tNextTime < GetTime() then SetMapToCurrentZone(); tNextTime = GetTime() + 2; end end local VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone = VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone; -- local tInfo; function VUHDO_replaceMacroTemplates(aText, aUnit) if aUnit then aText = gsub(aText, "[Vv][Uu][Hh][Dd][Oo]", aUnit); tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[aUnit]; if tInfo then aText = gsub(aText, "[Vv][Dd][Nn][Aa][Mm][Ee]", tInfo["name"]); if tInfo["petUnit"] then aText = gsub(aText, "[Vv][Dd][Pp][Ee][Tt]", tInfo["petUnit"]); end if tInfo["targetUnit"] then aText = gsub(aText, "[Vv][Dd][Tt][Aa][Rr][Gg][Ee][Tt]", tInfo["targetUnit"]); end end end return aText; end -- local tActionLowerName; local tIsMacroKnown, tIsSpellKnown, tIsTalentKnown function VUHDO_isActionValid(anActionName, anIsCustom) if (anActionName or "") == "" then return nil; end tActionLowerName = strlower(anActionName); if VUHDO_SPELL_KEY_ASSIST == tActionLowerName or VUHDO_SPELL_KEY_FOCUS == tActionLowerName or VUHDO_SPELL_KEY_MENU == tActionLowerName or VUHDO_SPELL_KEY_TELL == tActionLowerName or VUHDO_SPELL_KEY_TARGET == tActionLowerName or VUHDO_SPELL_KEY_EXTRAACTIONBUTTON == tActionLowerName or VUHDO_SPELL_KEY_DROPDOWN == tActionLowerName then return VUHDO_I18N_COMMAND, 0.8, 1, 0.8, "CMD"; end tIsMacroKnown = GetMacroIndexByName(anActionName) ~= 0; tIsSpellKnown = VUHDO_isSpellKnown(anActionName); tIsTalentKnown = VUHDO_isTalentKnown(anActionName, true); if (tIsSpellKnown or tIsTalentKnown) and tIsMacroKnown then VUHDO_Msg(format(VUHDO_I18N_AMBIGUOUS_MACRO, anActionName), 1, 0.3, 0.3); return VUHDO_I18N_WARNING, 1, 0.3, 0.3, "WRN"; elseif tIsMacroKnown then return VUHDO_I18N_MACRO, 0.8, 0.8, 1, "MCR"; elseif (tIsSpellKnown or tIsTalentKnown) then return VUHDO_I18N_SPELL, 1, 0.8, 0.8, "SPL"; elseif IsUsableItem(anActionName) then return VUHDO_I18N_ITEM, 1, 1, 0.8, "ITM"; elseif anIsCustom then return "Custom", 0.9, 0.9, 0.2, "CUS"; else return nil; end end -- function VUHDO_isAltPowerActive(aUnit) local tBarType, _, _, _, _, tIsHideFromOthers = UnitAlternatePowerInfo(aUnit); return tBarType and (not tIsHideFromOthers or "player" == aUnit); end -- function VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(aFile) return "string" == type(aFile) and VUHDO_deserializeTable(aFile) or aFile; --return "string" == type(aFile) and VUHDO_deserializeTable(VUHDO_decompressStringHuffman(aFile)) or aFile; end -- function VUHDO_decompressOrCopy(aFile) return "string" == type(aFile) and VUHDO_deserializeTable(aFile) or VUHDO_deepCopyTable(aFile); --return "string" == type(aFile) and VUHDO_deserializeTable(VUHDO_decompressStringHuffman(aFile)) or VUHDO_deepCopyTable(aFile); end -- function VUHDO_compressTable(aTable) return type(aTable) == "table" and VUHDO_serializeTable(aTable) or aTable; end -- function VUHDO_compressAndPackTable(aTable) return type(aTable) == "table" and VUHDO_serializeTable(aTable) or aTable; --return type(aTable) == "table" and VUHDO_compressStringHuffman(VUHDO_serializeTable(aTable)) or aTable; end -- function VUHDO_compressAllBouquets() for tName, _ in pairs(VUHDO_BOUQUETS["STORED"]) do VUHDO_BOUQUETS["STORED"][tName] = VUHDO_compressTable(VUHDO_BOUQUETS["STORED"][tName]); end end -- function VUHDO_decompressAllBouquets() for tName, _ in pairs(VUHDO_BOUQUETS["STORED"]) do VUHDO_BOUQUETS["STORED"][tName] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(VUHDO_BOUQUETS["STORED"][tName]); end end -- function VUHDO_isGlyphed(aGlyphId) local tGlyphId; for tCnt = 1, GetNumGlyphs() do if select(4, GetGlyphSocketInfo(tCnt)) == aGlyphId then return true; end end return false; end -- local tPlayerX, tPlayerY; local tUnitX, tUnitY; local tFacing; function VUHDO_getUnitDirection(aUnit) if (WorldMapFrame ~= nil and WorldMapFrame:IsShown()) or (GetMouseFocus() ~= nil and GetMouseFocus():GetName() == nil) then return nil; end tPlayerX, tPlayerY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); if (tPlayerX or 0) + (tPlayerY or 0) <= 0 then VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone(); tPlayerX, tPlayerY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); if (tPlayerX or 0) + (tPlayerY or 0) <= 0 then return nil; end end tUnitX, tUnitY = GetPlayerMapPosition(aUnit); if (tUnitX or 0) + (tUnitY or 0) <= 0 then return nil; end tFacing = GetPlayerFacing(); tFacing = tFacing < 0 and tFacing + VUHDO_2_PI or tFacing; return VUHDO_PI - VUHDO_atan2(tPlayerX - tUnitX, tUnitY - tPlayerY) - tFacing; end local VUHDO_getUnitDirection = VUHDO_getUnitDirection; -- local tDirection; local tConeFactor = 180 / VUHDO_PI; function VUHDO_isInConeInFrontOf(aUnit, aDegrees) if aDegrees >= 360 or "player" == aUnit then return true; end tDirection = VUHDO_getUnitDirection(aUnit); if not tDirection then return false; elseif tDirection < 0 then tDirection = tDirection + VUHDO_2_PI; end return aDegrees * 0.5 >= 180 - abs(180 - tConeFactor * tDirection); end -- function VUHDO_forceBooleanValue(aRawValue) if aRawValue == nil or aRawValue == 0 or aRawValue == false then return false; else return true; end end function VUHDO_getCurrentKeyModifierString() return format("%s%s%s", IsAltKeyDown() and "alt" or "", IsControlKeyDown() and "ctrl" or "", IsShiftKeyDown() and "shift" or ""); end -- Helper to serialize a table to a string for pretty printing -- Taken from Lua Users Wiki: http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableUtils function VUHDO_tableValueToString(v) if "string" == type( v ) then v = string.gsub( v, "\n", "\\n" ) if string.match( string.gsub(v,"[^'\"]",""), '^"+$' ) then return "'" .. v .. "'" end return '"' .. string.gsub(v,'"', '\\"' ) .. '"' else return "table" == type( v ) and VUHDO_tableToString( v ) or tostring( v ) end end function VUHDO_tableKeyToString(k) if "string" == type( k ) and string.match( k, "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$" ) then return k else return "[" .. VUHDO_tableValueToString( k ) .. "]" end end function VUHDO_tableToString(tbl) local result, done = {}, {} for k, v in ipairs( tbl ) do table.insert( result, VUHDO_tableValueToString( v ) ) done[ k ] = true end for k, v in pairs( tbl ) do if not done[ k ] then table.insert( result, VUHDO_tableKeyToString( k ) .. "=" .. VUHDO_tableValueToString( v ) ) end end return "{" .. table.concat( result, "," ) .. "}" end function VUHDO_isBossUnit(aUnit) return VUHDO_BOSS_UNIT and VUHDO_BOSS_UNIT[aUnit]; end function VUHDO_isSpecialUnit(aUnit) return aUnit == "focus" or aUnit == "target" or VUHDO_isBossUnit(aUnit); end