VUHDO_PANEL_UNITS = { }; setmetatable(VUHDO_PANEL_UNITS, VUHDO_META_NEW_ARRAY); local VUHDO_PANEL_UNITS = VUHDO_PANEL_UNITS; VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS = {}; VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL = {}; local VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS = VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS; local VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL = VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL; local tinsert = tinsert; local ipairs = ipairs; local twipe = table.wipe; local tsort = table.sort; local _; -- BURST CACHE --------------------------------------------------- local VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP; local VUHDO_HEADER_TEXTS; local VUHDO_GROUPS; local VUHDO_RAID; local VUHDO_getHeaderTextId; local VUHDO_getClassColorByModelId; local VUHDO_getHeaderBar; local VUHDO_getModelType; local VUHDO_isUnitInModel; local sEmpty = { }; -- function VUHDO_panelInitLocalOverrides() VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP = _G["VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP"]; VUHDO_HEADER_TEXTS = _G["VUHDO_HEADER_TEXTS"]; VUHDO_GROUPS = _G["VUHDO_GROUPS"]; VUHDO_RAID = _G["VUHDO_RAID"]; VUHDO_getHeaderTextId = _G["VUHDO_getHeaderTextId"]; VUHDO_getClassColorByModelId = _G["VUHDO_getClassColorByModelId"]; VUHDO_getHeaderBar = _G["VUHDO_getHeaderBar"]; VUHDO_getModelType = _G["VUHDO_getModelType"]; VUHDO_isUnitInModel = _G["VUHDO_isUnitInModel"]; end -- BURST CACHE --------------------------------------------------- -- local tIdAll = { VUHDO_ID_ALL }; function VUHDO_getDynamicModelArray(aPanelNum) if 0 == VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["MODEL"]["ordering"] then -- VUHDO_ORDERING_STRICT return VUHDO_PANEL_DYN_MODELS[aPanelNum] or sEmpty; else return tIdAll; end end local VUHDO_getDynamicModelArray = VUHDO_getDynamicModelArray; -- function VUHDO_getHeaderText(aModelId) return 10 == aModelId -- VUHDO_ID_GROUP_OWN and VUHDO_HEADER_TEXTS[aModelId] .. " (" .. VUHDO_PLAYER_GROUP .. ")" or VUHDO_HEADER_TEXTS[aModelId]; end local VUHDO_getHeaderText = VUHDO_getHeaderText; -- local tHeaderText; local tColor; function VUHDO_customizeHeader(aHeader, aPanelNum, aModelId) tHeaderText = VUHDO_getHeaderTextId(aHeader); tHeaderText:SetText(VUHDO_getHeaderText(aModelId)); if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["PANEL_COLOR"]["classColorsHeader"] and 1 == VUHDO_getModelType(aModelId) then -- VUHDO_ID_TYPE_CLASS tColor = VUHDO_getClassColorByModelId(aModelId); else tColor = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["PANEL_COLOR"]["HEADER"]; end tHeaderText:SetTextColor(VUHDO_textColor(tColor)); if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["PANEL_COLOR"]["classColorsBackHeader"] and 1 == VUHDO_getModelType(aModelId) then -- VUHDO_ID_TYPE_CLASS tColor = VUHDO_getClassColorByModelId(aModelId); else tColor = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["PANEL_COLOR"]["HEADER"]; end VUHDO_getHeaderBar(aHeader):SetVuhDoColor(tColor); end -- local tSubTable = { }; local function VUHDO_getSubTable(aTable, anIndex, aCount) twipe(tSubTable); for tSubCount = anIndex, anIndex + aCount - 1 do if aTable[tSubCount] then tSubTable[#tSubTable + 1] = aTable[tSubCount]; else break; end end return tSubTable; end -- local tOccurrence; local tDynModel; local tMaxRows; local function VUHDO_cutSubGroup(anIdentifier, aPanelNum, aModelIndex) tDynModel = VUHDO_getDynamicModelArray(aPanelNum); tOccurrence = 0; for tModelNo = 1, aModelIndex do if tDynModel[tModelNo] == anIdentifier then tOccurrence = tOccurrence + 1; end end tMaxRows = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["SCALING"]["arrangeHorizontal"] and VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["SCALING"]["maxColumnsWhenStructured"] or VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["SCALING"]["maxRowsWhenLoose"]; return VUHDO_getSubTable(VUHDO_GROUPS[anIdentifier] or sEmpty, (tOccurrence - 1) * tMaxRows + 1, tMaxRows); end -- function VUHDO_getGroupMembers(anIdentifier, aPanelNum, aModelIndex) return 999 ~= anIdentifier and (aModelIndex == nil and VUHDO_GROUPS[anIdentifier] or VUHDO_cutSubGroup(anIdentifier, aPanelNum, aModelIndex) ) or VUHDO_PANEL_UNITS[aPanelNum]; end local VUHDO_getGroupMembers = VUHDO_getGroupMembers; -- local function VUHDO_getPanelUnitFirstModel(aPanelNum, aUnit) for tIndex, tModelId in ipairs(VUHDO_PANEL_MODELS[aPanelNum]) do if VUHDO_isUnitInModel(aUnit, tModelId) then return tIndex; end end return 9999; end -- local sPanelNum; local sIsPlayerFirst; local tInfo1, tInfo2; local tRole1, tRole2; -- local VUHDO_RAID_SORTERS = { [VUHDO_SORT_RAID_UNITID] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player" then return false; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; return (tInfo1["number"] or 0) < (tInfo2["number"] or 0); -- comparing strings doesn't work end end, [VUHDO_SORT_RAID_NAME] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player" then return false; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end, [VUHDO_SORT_RAID_CLASS] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player" then return false; elseif VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId]["class"] and VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId]["class"] then if (VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"]) then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId], VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId]; return tInfo1["class"] .. (tInfo1["name"] or "") > tInfo2["class"] .. (tInfo2["name"] or ""); else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end, [VUHDO_SORT_RAID_MAX_HP] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player" then return false; elseif VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId]["sortMaxHp"] and VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId]["sortMaxHp"] then if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId], VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId]; return tInfo1["sortMaxHp"] > tInfo2["sortMaxHp"]; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end, [VUHDO_SORT_RAID_MODELS] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player" then return false; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tFirstIdx = VUHDO_getPanelUnitFirstModel(sPanelNum, aUnitId); tSecondIdx = VUHDO_getPanelUnitFirstModel(sPanelNum, anotherUnitId); if tFirstIdx ~= tSecondIdx then return tFirstIdx < tSecondIdx; else tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end end, [VUHDO_SORT_TA_DD_HL] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif (sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player") then return false; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; tRole1, tRole2 = tInfo1["role"], tInfo2["role"]; if tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and tRole2 ~= VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and tRole1 ~= VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK then return false; elseif (tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE or tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE) and tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return true; elseif (tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE or tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE) and tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return false; else return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end end, [VUHDO_SORT_TA_HL_DD] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif (sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player") then return false; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; tRole1, tRole2 = tInfo1["role"], tInfo2["role"]; if tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and tRole2 ~= VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and tRole1 ~= VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK then return false; elseif tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL and (tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE or tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE) then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL and (tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE or tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE) then return false; else return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end end, [VUHDO_SORT_HL_TA_DD] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player" then return false; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; tRole1, tRole2 = tInfo1["role"], tInfo2["role"]; if tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL and tRole2 ~= VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL and tRole1 ~= VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return false; elseif tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and (tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE or tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE) then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and (tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE or tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE) then return false; else return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end end, [VUHDO_SORT_TA_MD_RD_HL] = function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif (sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player") then return false; else if VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[sPanelNum]["MODEL"]["isReverse"] then aUnitId, anotherUnitId = anotherUnitId, aUnitId; end tInfo1, tInfo2 = VUHDO_RAID[aUnitId] or sEmpty, VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnitId] or sEmpty; tRole1, tRole2 = tInfo1["role"], tInfo2["role"]; if tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and tRole2 ~= VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK and tRole1 ~= VUHDO_ID_MELEE_TANK then return false; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL and tRole1 ~= VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return true; elseif tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL and tRole2 ~= VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return false; elseif tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE and (tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE or tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL) then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_MELEE_DAMAGE and (tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE or tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL) then return false; elseif tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE and tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return true; elseif tRole2 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_DAMAGE and tRole1 == VUHDO_ID_RANGED_HEAL then return false; else return (tInfo1["name"] or "") < (tInfo2["name"] or ""); end end end, }; -- local tSorted = { }; local tMembers; local tNoExists; local tWasTarget, tWasFocus; function VUHDO_getGroupMembersSorted(anIdentifier, aSortCriterion, aPanelNum, aModelIndex) tMembers = VUHDO_getGroupMembers(anIdentifier, aPanelNum, aModelIndex); sIsPlayerFirst = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["SCALING"]["isPlayerOnTop"]; if 41 ~= anIdentifier then -- VUHDO_ID_MAINTANKS twipe(tSorted); tNoExists = false; tWasTarget, tWasFocus = false, false; for _, tUnit in ipairs(tMembers) do if tUnit == "target" then tWasTarget = true; elseif (tUnit == "focus") then tWasFocus = true; else tSorted[#tSorted + 1] = tUnit; if not VUHDO_RAID[tUnit] then tNoExists = true; end end end if 70 == anIdentifier or tNoExists then -- VUHDO_ID_VEHICLES tsort(tSorted, function(aUnitId, anotherUnitId) if sIsPlayerFirst and aUnitId == "player" then return true; elseif sIsPlayerFirst and anotherUnitId == "player" then return false; else return aUnitId < anotherUnitId; end end ); else sPanelNum = aPanelNum; tsort(tSorted, VUHDO_RAID_SORTERS[aSortCriterion]); end if tWasFocus then tinsert(tSorted, 1, "focus"); end if tWasTarget then tinsert(tSorted, 1, "target"); end else -- for main tanks keep the order of CTRA/ORA twipe(tSorted); -- has to be copied!!! conflicts in size calculator otherwise! for tCnt = 1, #tMembers do tSorted[tCnt] = tMembers[tCnt]; end end return tSorted; end -- local tUnit; function VUHDO_addUnitButton(aHealButton, aPanelNum) tUnit = aHealButton:GetAttribute("unit"); if not VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS[tUnit] then VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS[tUnit] = { }; VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL[tUnit] = { }; end if not VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL[tUnit][aPanelNum] then VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL[tUnit][aPanelNum] = { }; end tinsert(VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS[tUnit], aHealButton); tinsert(VUHDO_UNIT_BUTTONS_PANEL[tUnit][aPanelNum], aHealButton); end