local floor = floor; local UnitPower = UnitPower; local UnitPowerMax = UnitPowerMax; local VUHDO_getIncHealOnUnit; local VUHDO_getUnitOverallShieldRemain; function VUHDO_textProvidersInitLocalOverrides() VUHDO_getIncHealOnUnit = _G["VUHDO_getIncHealOnUnit"]; VUHDO_getUnitOverallShieldRemain = _G["VUHDO_getUnitOverallShieldRemain"]; end -- local tChiCount; local tChiMax; local function VUHDO_chiCalculator(anInfo) if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then tChiCount = UnitPower(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_CHI); tChiMax = UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_CHI); return (tChiCount > 0) and tChiCount or "", (tChiMax > 0) and tChiMax or ""; else return "", nil; end end -- local tHolyPowerCount; local tHolyPowerMax; local function VUHDO_holyPowerCalculator(anInfo) if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then tHolyPowerCount = UnitPower(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_HOLY_POWER); tHolyPowerMax = UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_HOLY_POWER); return (tHolyPowerCount > 0) and tHolyPowerCount or "", (tHolyPowerMax > 0) and tHolyPowerMax or ""; else return "", nil; end end -- local tComboPointsCount; local tComboPointsMax; local function VUHDO_comboPointsCalculator(anInfo) if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then tComboPointsCount = UnitPower(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_COMBO_POINTS); tComboPointsMax = UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_COMBO_POINTS); return (tComboPointsCount > 0) and tComboPointsCount or "", (tComboPointsMax > 0) and tComboPointsMax or ""; else return "", nil; end end -- local tSoulShardsCount; local tSoulShardsMax; local function VUHDO_soulShardsCalculator(anInfo) if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then tSoulShardsCount = UnitPower(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_SOUL_SHARDS); tSoulShardsMax = UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_SOUL_SHARDS); return (tSoulShardsCount > 0) and tSoulShardsCount or "", (tSoulShardsMax > 0) and tSoulShardsMax or ""; else return "", nil; end end -- local tReadyRuneCount; local tReadyRuneMax; local tIsRuneReady; local function VUHDO_runesCalculator(anInfo) if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] and anInfo["unit"] == "player" then tReadyRuneCount = 0; for i = 1, 6 do _, _, tIsRuneReady = GetRuneCooldown(i); tReadyRuneCount = tReadyRuneCount + (tIsRuneReady and 1 or 0); end tReadyRuneMax = UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_RUNES); return (tReadyRuneCount > 0) and tReadyRuneCount or "", (tReadyRuneMax > 0) and tReadyRuneMax or ""; else return "", nil; end end -- local tArcaneChargesCount; local tArcaneChargesMax; local function VUHDO_arcaneChargesCalculator(anInfo) if anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then tArcaneChargesCount = UnitPower(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_ARCANE_CHARGES); tArcaneChargesMax = UnitPowerMax(anInfo["unit"], VUHDO_UNIT_POWER_ARCANE_CHARGES); return (tArcaneChargesCount > 0) and tArcaneChargesCount or "", (tArcaneChargesMax > 0) and tArcaneChargesMax or ""; else return "", nil; end end -- local tAmountInc; local function VUHDO_overhealCalculator(anInfo) tAmountInc = VUHDO_getIncHealOnUnit(anInfo["unit"]); if tAmountInc > 0 and anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then return tAmountInc - anInfo["healthmax"] + anInfo["health"], nil; else return 0, nil; end end -- local tAmountInc; local function VUHDO_incomingHealCalculator(anInfo) tAmountInc = VUHDO_getIncHealOnUnit(anInfo["unit"]); if tAmountInc > 0 and anInfo["connected"] and not anInfo["dead"] then return tAmountInc, nil; else return 0, nil; end end -- local function VUHDO_shieldAbsorbCalculator(anInfo) return VUHDO_getUnitOverallShieldRemain(anInfo["unit"]), nil; end -- local function VUHDO_manaCalculator(anInfo) if anInfo["powertype"] == 0 and anInfo["powermax"] > 0 then return anInfo["power"], anInfo["powermax"] else return 0, 0; end end -- local function VUHDO_threatCalculator(anInfo) return anInfo["threatPerc"], 100; end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- local function VUHDO_kiloValidator(anInfo, aValue) return aValue >= 500 and VUHDO_round(aValue * 0.001) or ""; end local function VUHDO_plusKiloValidator(anInfo, aValue) if aValue >= 1000000 then return format("+%.1fM", aValue * 0.000001) or ""; elseif aValue >= 500 then return format("+%dk", VUHDO_round(aValue * 0.001)) or ""; end end -- local function VUHDO_percentValidator(anInfo, aValue, aMaxValue) return anInfo["powertype"] == 0 and anInfo["powermax"] > 0 and format("%d%%", 100 * aValue / aMaxValue) or ""; end -- local function VUHDO_tenthPercentValidator(anInfo, aValue, aMaxValue) return anInfo["powertype"] == 0 and anInfo["powermax"] > 0 and format("%d", 10 * aValue / aMaxValue) or ""; end local function VUHDO_unitOfUnitValidator(anInfo, aValue, aMaxValue) return anInfo["powertype"] == 0 and format("%d/%d", aValue, aMaxValue) or ""; end -- local function VUHDO_kiloOfKiloValidator(anInfo, aValue, aMaxValue) return anInfo["powertype"] == 0 and format("%d/%d", floor(aValue * 0.001), floor(aMaxValue * 0.001)) or ""; end -- local function VUHDO_absoluteValidator(anInfo, aValue) return aValue; end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function VUHDO_initTextProviderConfig() -- Falls man mal was l�scht oder umbenennt for tIndicatorName, anIndicatorConfig in pairs(VUHDO_INDICATOR_CONFIG["TEXT_INDICATORS"]) do for tIndex, tProviderName in pairs(anIndicatorConfig["TEXT_PROVIDER"]) do if not VUHDO_TEXT_PROVIDERS[tProviderName] then anIndicatorConfig["TEXT_PROVIDER"][tIndex] = ""; end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VUHDO_TEXT_PROVIDERS = { ["OVERHEAL_KILO_N_K"] = { ["displayName"] = "Overheal: <#nk>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_overhealCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_kiloValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_INC, VUHDO_UPDATE_HEALTH, VUHDO_UPDATE_RANGE, VUHDO_UPDATE_HEALTH_MAX, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["OVERHEAL_KILO_PLUS_N_K"] = { ["displayName"] = "Overheal: +<#n>k", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_overhealCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_plusKiloValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_INC, VUHDO_UPDATE_HEALTH, VUHDO_UPDATE_RANGE, VUHDO_UPDATE_HEALTH_MAX, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["INCOMING_HEAL_NK"] = { ["displayName"] = "Incoming Heal: <#nk>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_incomingHealCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_kiloValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_INC, VUHDO_UPDATE_HEALTH, VUHDO_UPDATE_RANGE, VUHDO_UPDATE_HEALTH_MAX, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["SHIELD_ABSORB_OVERALL_N_K"] = { ["displayName"] = "Shield absorb total: <#nk>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_shieldAbsorbCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_kiloValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_SHIELD }, }, ["THREAT_PERCENT"] = { ["displayName"] = "Threat: <#n>%", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_threatCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_percentValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_THREAT_PERC }, }, ["CHI_N"] = { ["displayName"] = "Chi: <#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_chiCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_absoluteValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_CHI, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["HOLY_POWER_N"] = { ["displayName"] = "Holy Power: <#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_holyPowerCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_absoluteValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_OWN_HOLY_POWER, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["COMBO_POINTS_N"] = { ["displayName"] = "Combo Points: <#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_comboPointsCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_absoluteValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_COMBO_POINTS, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["SOUL_SHARDS_N"] = { ["displayName"] = "Soul Shards: <#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_soulShardsCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_absoluteValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_SOUL_SHARDS, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["RUNES_N"] = { ["displayName"] = "Runes: <#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_runesCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_absoluteValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_RUNES, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["ARCANE_CHARGES_N"] = { ["displayName"] = "Arcane Charges: <#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_arcaneChargesCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_absoluteValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_ARCANE_CHARGES, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC, VUHDO_UPDATE_ALIVE }, }, ["MANA_PERCENT"] = { ["displayName"] = "Mana: <#n>%", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_manaCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_percentValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_MANA, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC }, }, ["MANA_PERCENT_TENTH"] = { ["displayName"] = "Mana: <#n/10%>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_manaCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_tenthPercentValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_MANA, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC }, }, ["MANA_UNIT_OF_UNIT"] = { ["displayName"] = "Mana: <#n>/<#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_manaCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_unitOfUnitValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_MANA, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC }, }, ["MANA_KILO_OF_KILO"] = { ["displayName"] = "Mana: <#nk>/<#nk>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_manaCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_kiloOfKiloValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_MANA, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC }, }, ["MANA_N"] = { ["displayName"] = "Mana: <#n>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_manaCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_absoluteValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_MANA, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC }, }, ["MANA_NK"] = { ["displayName"] = "Mana: <#nk>", ["calculator"] = VUHDO_manaCalculator, ["validator"] = VUHDO_kiloValidator, ["interests"] = { VUHDO_UPDATE_MANA, VUHDO_UPDATE_DC }, }, }