-- local tTexture; function VUHDO_threatIndicatorsBouquetCallback(aUnit, anIsActive, anIcon, aTimer, aCounter, aDuration, aColor, aBuffName, aBouquetName) for _, sButton in pairs(VUHDO_getUnitButtonsSafe(aUnit)) do tTexture = VUHDO_getAggroTexture(VUHDO_getHealthBar(sButton, 1)); if anIsActive then tTexture:SetVertexColor(VUHDO_backColor(aColor)); tTexture:Show(); VUHDO_UIFrameFlash(tTexture, 0.2, 0.5, 3.2, true, 0, 0); else VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(tTexture); tTexture:Hide(); end end end -- local tBar; local tQuota; function VUHDO_threatBarBouquetCallback(aUnit, anIsActive, anIcon, aCurrValue, aCounter, aMaxValue, aColor, aBuffName, aBouquetName) tQuota = (aCurrValue == 0 and aMaxValue == 0) and 0 or (aMaxValue or 0) > 1 and aCurrValue / aMaxValue or 0; for _, sButton in pairs(VUHDO_getUnitButtonsSafe(aUnit)) do if tQuota > 0 then tBar = VUHDO_getHealthBar(sButton, 7); tBar:SetValue(tQuota); tBar:SetVuhDoColor(aColor); else VUHDO_getHealthBar(sButton, 7):SetValue(0); end end end function VUHDO_threatBarTextCallback(...) VUHDO_indicatorTextCallback(7, ...); end