local _; local VUHDO_RAID_NAMES; local VUHDO_RAID; local VUHDO_BUFF_REMOVAL_SPELLS; local VUHDO_SPELL_ASSIGNMENTS; local VUHDO_CONFIG; local VUHDO_buildMacroText; local VUHDO_buildTargetButtonMacroText; local VUHDO_buildTargetMacroText; local VUHDO_buildFocusMacroText; local VUHDO_buildAssistMacroText; local VUHDO_replaceMacroTemplates; local VUHDO_isActionValid; local VUHDO_isSpellKnown; local GetMacroIndexByName = GetMacroIndexByName; local GetMacroInfo = GetMacroInfo; local GetSpellBookItemTexture = GetSpellBookItemTexture; local UnitIsDeadOrGhost = UnitIsDeadOrGhost; local gsub = gsub; local UnitBuff = UnitBuff; local GetCursorInfo = GetCursorInfo; local GetShapeshiftForm = GetShapeshiftForm; local InCombatLockdown = InCombatLockdown; local pairs = pairs; local strlower = strlower; local format = format; local sIsCliqueCompat; function VUHDO_keySetupInitLocalOverrides() VUHDO_RAID_NAMES = _G["VUHDO_RAID_NAMES"]; VUHDO_RAID = _G["VUHDO_RAID"]; VUHDO_BUFF_REMOVAL_SPELLS = _G["VUHDO_BUFF_REMOVAL_SPELLS"]; VUHDO_SPELL_ASSIGNMENTS = _G["VUHDO_SPELL_ASSIGNMENTS"]; VUHDO_CONFIG = _G["VUHDO_CONFIG"]; VUHDO_buildMacroText = _G["VUHDO_buildMacroText"]; VUHDO_buildTargetButtonMacroText = _G["VUHDO_buildTargetButtonMacroText"]; VUHDO_buildTargetMacroText = _G["VUHDO_buildTargetMacroText"]; VUHDO_buildFocusMacroText = _G["VUHDO_buildFocusMacroText"]; VUHDO_buildAssistMacroText = _G["VUHDO_buildAssistMacroText"]; VUHDO_replaceMacroTemplates = _G["VUHDO_replaceMacroTemplates"]; VUHDO_isActionValid = _G["VUHDO_isActionValid"]; VUHDO_isSpellKnown = _G["VUHDO_isSpellKnown"]; sIsCliqueCompat = VUHDO_CONFIG["IS_CLIQUE_COMPAT_MODE"]; end local VUHDO_REZ_SPELLS_NAMES = { [VUHDO_SPELL_ID.REDEMPTION] = true, [VUHDO_SPELL_ID.ANCESTRAL_SPIRIT] = true, [VUHDO_SPELL_ID.REVIVE] = true, [VUHDO_SPELL_ID.REBIRTH] = true, [VUHDO_SPELL_ID.RESURRECTION] = true, [VUHDO_SPELL_ID.RESUSCITATE] = true, }; local sDropdown; local tUnit, tInfo, tIdent; local tButtonName; local tMacroId, tMacroText; local tActionLow; local tInvalidGroup = { ["group"] = -1 }; local function _VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes(aModiKey, aButtonId, anAction, aButton, anIsTgButton, anIndex) tUnit = aButton["raidid"]; tActionLow = strlower(anAction); if "assist" == tActionLow then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, VUHDO_buildAssistMacroText(tUnit)); elseif "focus" == tActionLow then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, VUHDO_buildFocusMacroText(tUnit)); elseif "target" == tActionLow then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, VUHDO_buildTargetMacroText(tUnit)); elseif "menu" == tActionLow or "tell" == tActionLow then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, nil); elseif "dropdown" == tActionLow then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .."type" .. aButtonId, "VUHDO_contextMenu"); VUHDO_contextMenu = function() sDropdown = nil; local tUnit = aButton["raidid"]; if tUnit == "player" then sDropdown = PlayerFrameDropDown; elseif UnitIsUnit(tUnit, "target") then sDropdown = TargetFrameDropDown; --[[elseif (UnitIsUnit(tUnit, "focus")) then sDropdown = FocusFrameDropDown;]] -- Problem, wenn Fokus l�schen elseif UnitIsUnit(tUnit, "pet") then sDropdown = PetFrameDropDown; else tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[tUnit]; if tInfo then if (VUHDO_RAID["player"] or tInvalidGroup)["group"] == tInfo["group"] then sDropdown = _G['PartyMemberFrame' .. tInfo["number"] .. 'DropDown'] else tIdent = tInfo["number"]; FriendsDropDown["name"] = tInfo["name"]; FriendsDropDown["id"] = tIdent; FriendsDropDown["unit"] = tUnit; FriendsDropDown["initialize"] = RaidFrameDropDown_Initialize; FriendsDropDown["displayMode"] = "MENU"; sDropdown = FriendsDropDown; end end end if sDropdown then ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, sDropdown, "cursor", 0, 0); end end aButton["VUHDO_contextMenu"] = VUHDO_contextMenu; else anAction = VUHDO_REPLACE_SPELL_NAME[anAction] or anAction; if VUHDO_NATIVE_ASSIGN_SPELLS[anAction] then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "spell"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "spell" .. aButtonId, anAction); elseif VUHDO_isSpellKnown(anAction) or VUHDO_IN_COMBAT_RELOG then -- Spells may not be initialized yet -- Dead players do not trigger "help/noharm" conditionals if VUHDO_REZ_SPELLS_NAMES[anAction] then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, VUHDO_buildRezMacroText(anAction, tUnit)); return; -- Cleansing charmed players is an offensive thing to do elseif VUHDO_BUFF_REMOVAL_SPELLS[anAction] then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, VUHDO_buildPurgeMacroText(anAction, tUnit)); return; else -- build a spell macro aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, VUHDO_buildMacroText(anAction, false, tUnit)); end else tMacroId = GetMacroIndexByName(anAction); if tMacroId ~= 0 then -- Macro? _, _, tMacroText = GetMacroInfo(tMacroId); tMacroText = VUHDO_replaceMacroTemplates(tMacroText, tUnit); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, tMacroText); elseif IsUsableItem(anAction) then -- Item? aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "item"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "item" .. aButtonId, anAction); else -- we don't know, assume it's a spell aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "spell"); aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "spell" .. aButtonId, anAction); end end end end -- local tUnit; local tHostSpell; local tSpellInfo; local function VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes(aModiKey, aButtonId, anAction, aButton, anIsTgButton, anIndex) tUnit = aButton["raidid"]; if anIsTgButton or tUnit == "focus" or (tUnit == "target" and "dropdown" ~= anAction) then if not anIndex then tSpellInfo = VUHDO_HOSTILE_SPELL_ASSIGNMENTS[VUHDO_KEYS_MODIFIER[aModiKey] .. aButtonId]; tHostSpell = tSpellInfo ~= nil and tSpellInfo[3] or ""; else tHostSpell = VUHDO_SPELLS_KEYBOARD["HOSTILE_WHEEL"][anIndex][3]; end aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, "macro"); if (tHostSpell or "") ~= "" or (anAction or "") ~= "" then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, VUHDO_buildTargetButtonMacroText(tUnit, anAction, tHostSpell)); else aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "macrotext" .. aButtonId, nil); end return; end if (anAction or "") == "" then aButton:SetAttribute(aModiKey .. "type" .. aButtonId, nil); return; else _VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes(aModiKey, aButtonId, anAction, aButton, anIsTgButton, anIndex); end end -- local tString, tAssignIdx, tFriendSpell, tHostSpell; local function VUHDO_getWheelDefString() tString = ""; for tIndex, tValue in pairs(VUHDO_WHEEL_BINDINGS) do tAssignIdx = VUHDO_WHEEL_INDEX_BINDING[tIndex]; tFriendSpell = VUHDO_SPELLS_KEYBOARD["HOSTILE_WHEEL"][tAssignIdx][3]; tHostSpell = VUHDO_SPELLS_KEYBOARD["WHEEL"][tAssignIdx][3]; if #tFriendSpell > 0 or #tHostSpell > 0 then tString = format("%sself:SetBindingClick(0, \"%s\", self:GetName(), \"w%d\");", tString, tValue, tIndex); end end return tString; end -- local tString; local function VUHDO_getInternalKeyString() tString = ""; for tIndex, tEntries in pairs(VUHDO_SPELLS_KEYBOARD["INTERNAL"]) do tString = format("%sself:SetBindingClick(0, \"%s\", self:GetName(), \"ik%d\");", tString, tEntries[2] == "\\" and "\\\\" or tEntries[2] or "", tIndex); end return tString; end -- Parse and interpret action-type local tPreAction; local tTarget; local tIsWheel; local tHostSpell; local tWheelDefString; local tCnt; local tFrame; local tBinding; function VUHDO_setupAllHealButtonAttributes(aButton, aUnit, anIsDisable, aForceTarget, anIsTgButton, anIsIcButton) if aUnit then aButton:SetAttribute("unit", aUnit); aButton["raidid"] = aUnit; end if not aButton:GetAttribute("vd_tt_hook") then if anIsIcButton then aButton:HookScript("OnEnter", function(self) VUHDO_showDebuffTooltip(self); VuhDoActionOnEnter(self:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():GetParent()) end); aButton:HookScript("OnLeave", function(self) VUHDO_hideDebuffTooltip(); VuhDoActionOnLeave(self:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():GetParent()) end); else aButton:HookScript("OnEnter", function(self) VuhDoActionOnEnter(self); end); aButton:HookScript("OnLeave", function(self) VuhDoActionOnLeave(self); end); end aButton:SetAttribute("vd_tt_hook", true); end if sIsCliqueCompat then aButton:EnableMouseWheel(1); return; end tPreAction = anIsDisable and "" or aForceTarget and "target" or nil; for tNoMinus, tWithMinus in pairs(VUHDO_MODIFIER_KEYS) do for tCnt = 1, 16 do -- VUHDO_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS tBinding = VUHDO_SPELL_ASSIGNMENTS[format("%s%d", tNoMinus, tCnt)]; VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes(tWithMinus, tCnt, tPreAction or tBinding ~= nil and tBinding[3] or "", aButton, anIsTgButton); end end tIsWheel = false; for tIndex, tSpellDescr in pairs(VUHDO_SPELLS_KEYBOARD["WHEEL"]) do tHostSpell = VUHDO_SPELLS_KEYBOARD["HOSTILE_WHEEL"][tIndex][3]; if #tSpellDescr[3] > 0 or #tHostSpell > 0 then tIsWheel = true; VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes("", tSpellDescr[2], tSpellDescr[3], aButton, anIsTgButton, tIndex); end end for tIndex, tEntries in pairs(VUHDO_SPELLS_KEYBOARD["INTERNAL"]) do if VUHDO_isActionValid(tEntries[1], false) then _VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes("", "-ik" .. tIndex, tEntries[1], aButton, anIsTgButton, tIndex); else aButton:SetAttribute("type-ik" .. tIndex, "macro"); aButton:SetAttribute("macrotext-ik" .. tIndex, VUHDO_replaceMacroTemplates(tEntries[3] or "", aUnit)); end end if VUHDO_BUTTON_CACHE[aButton] or VUHDO_BUTTON_CACHE[aButton:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():GetParent()] then tWheelDefString = "self:ClearBindings();"; if tIsWheel then tWheelDefString = tWheelDefString .. VUHDO_getWheelDefString(); end tWheelDefString = tWheelDefString .. VUHDO_getInternalKeyString(); aButton:SetAttribute("_onenter", tWheelDefString); aButton:SetAttribute("_onleave", "self:ClearBindings();"); aButton:SetAttribute("_onshow", "self:ClearBindings();"); aButton:SetAttribute("_onhide", "self:ClearBindings();"); end end local VUHDO_setupAllHealButtonAttributes = VUHDO_setupAllHealButtonAttributes; -- local tProhibitSmartCastOn = { ["target"] = true, ["assist"] = true, ["focus"] = true, ["menu"] = true, ["dropdown"] = true, ["tell"] = true, }; -- Setup for smart cast local tKey; local function VUHDO_setupAllButtonsTo(aButton, aSpellName) for tNoMinus, tWithMinus in pairs(VUHDO_MODIFIER_KEYS) do for tCnt = 1, VUHDO_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS do tKey = tNoMinus .. tCnt; if not VUHDO_SPELL_ASSIGNMENTS[tKey] or not tProhibitSmartCastOn[VUHDO_SPELL_ASSIGNMENTS[tKey][3]] then VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes(tWithMinus, tCnt, aSpellName, aButton, false); end end end end -- function VUHDO_setupAllTargetButtonAttributes(aButton, aUnit) VUHDO_setupAllHealButtonAttributes(aButton, aUnit .. "target", false, false, true, false); end -- function VUHDO_setupAllTotButtonAttributes(aButton, aUnit) VUHDO_setupAllHealButtonAttributes(aButton, aUnit .. "targettarget", false, false, true, false); end -- local tCnt; function VUHDO_disableActions(aButton) VUHDO_setupAllHealButtonAttributes(aButton, nil, true, false, false, false); aButton:Hide(); -- For clearing mouse-wheel click bindings aButton:Show(); end -- local tCursorItemType; local tAbilities; local tUnit; local tInfo; local tBuff; function VUHDO_setupSmartCast(aButton) if InCombatLockdown() or UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") or (VUHDO_PLAYER_CLASS == "PRIEST" -- Engelchen? and GetShapeshiftForm() ~= 0 and not select(3, UnitBuff("player", VUHDO_SPELL_ID.SHADOWFORM))) then return false; end tUnit = aButton["raidid"]; tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[tUnit]; if not tInfo then return false; end -- Resurrect? if VUHDO_CONFIG["SMARTCAST_RESURRECT"] and tInfo["dead"] then local tMainRes, _ = VUHDO_getResurrectionSpells(); if tMainRes then VUHDO_setupAllButtonsTo(aButton, tMainRes); return true; end end if not tInfo["baseRange"] then return false; end -- Trade? tCursorItemType = GetCursorInfo(); if "item" == tCursorItemType or "money" == tCursorItemType then DropItemOnUnit(tUnit); VUHDO_disableActions(aButton); return true; end -- Cleanse? if VUHDO_CONFIG["SMARTCAST_CLEANSE"] and not tInfo["dead"] then if VUHDO_DEBUFF_TYPE_NONE ~= tInfo["debuff"] then tAbilities = VUHDO_getDebuffAbilities(); if tAbilities[tInfo["debuff"]] then VUHDO_setupAllButtonsTo(aButton, tAbilities[tInfo["debuff"]]); return true; end end end -- Buff? if VUHDO_CONFIG["SMARTCAST_BUFF"] and tInfo["missbuff"] and not tInfo["dead"] then tBuff = tInfo["mibuvariants"]; VUHDO_setupAllButtonsTo(aButton, tBuff[1]); VUHDO_setupHealButtonAttributes("", "2", tBuff[1], aButton, false); return true; end return false; end