local _; -- for saving once learnt yards in saved variables local VUHDO_STORED_ZONES = { }; local VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST = { }; local VUHDO_RAID = {}; local sqrt = sqrt; local GetPlayerMapPosition = GetPlayerMapPosition; local CheckInteractDistance = CheckInteractDistance; local GetMapInfo = GetMapInfo; local GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel; local WorldMapFrame = WorldMapFrame; local GetMouseFocus = GetMouseFocus; local pairs = pairs; local GetTime = GetTime; local GetSpellCooldown = GetSpellCooldown; local twipe = table.wipe; local tsort = table.sort; local VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone; local VUHDO_tableUniqueAdd; local VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS = { }; setmetatable(VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS, VUHDO_META_NEW_ARRAY); local VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH = 0; local VUHDO_LAST_ZONE = nil; local VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT = 0.000000000001; local VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT = 1; local VUHDO_MAP_LIMIT_YARDS = 1000000; local VUHDO_MAX_SAMPLES = 50; local VUHDO_MAX_ITERATIONS = 120; -- For a 40 man raid there is a total of +800 iterations -- local VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID = { }; function VUHDO_clusterBuilderInitLocalOverrides() VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID = _G["VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID"]; VUHDO_RAID = _G["VUHDO_RAID"]; VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone = _G["VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone"]; VUHDO_tableUniqueAdd = _G["VUHDO_tableUniqueAdd"]; end -- local VUHDO_MAP_FIX_WIDTH = { ["AlteracValley"] = { [1] = 4237.49987792969, }, --[[["StormwindCity"] = { [0] = 1737.4999589920044, },]] }; -- Inspect, Trade, Duel, UnitInRange(, UnitIsVisible? => doesn't seem to be reliable) local VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES = { VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT, VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT, VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT, VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT }; local VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES = { VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT, VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT, VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT, VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT }; local VUHDO_INTERACT_YARDS = { 28, 11.11, 9.9, 40 }; -- local function VUHDO_clusterBuilderStoreZone(aZone) if aZone then VUHDO_STORED_ZONES[aZone] = { }; VUHDO_STORED_ZONES[aZone]["good"] = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES); VUHDO_STORED_ZONES[aZone]["fail"] = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES); end end -- local tIsValid; local function VUHDO_isValidClusterUnit(anInfo) tIsValid = not anInfo["dead"] and anInfo["connected"] and anInfo["visible"]; VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[anInfo["unit"]] = not tIsValid; return tIsValid; end -- local tDistance; local tEmptyUnit = { }; local function VUHDO_calibrateMapScale(aUnit, aDeltaX, aDeltaY) tDistance = sqrt((aDeltaX * aDeltaX) + ((aDeltaY * 0.6666666666666) ^ 2)); for tCnt = 1, 3 do -- Check only if new distance is within bandwidth (= better result than before) if tDistance > VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[tCnt] and tDistance < VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[tCnt] then if CheckInteractDistance(aUnit, tCnt) then VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[tCnt] = tDistance; else VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[tCnt] = tDistance; end VUHDO_clusterBuilderStoreZone(VUHDO_LAST_ZONE); end end if tDistance > VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[4] and tDistance < VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[4] then if (VUHDO_RAID[aUnit] or tEmptyUnit)["baseRange"] then VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[4] = tDistance; else VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[4] = tDistance; end VUHDO_clusterBuilderStoreZone(VUHDO_LAST_ZONE); end end -- local tCurrWorldSize, tMinWorldSize, tUpperBoundary; local function VUHDO_getHeuristicMapWidth() tMinWorldSize = VUHDO_MAP_LIMIT_YARDS; tUpperBoundary = nil; for tIndex, tNormFactor in pairs(VUHDO_INTERACT_YARDS) do tCurrWorldSize = tNormFactor / VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[tIndex]; -- yards per full tick = world size in yards if tCurrWorldSize < tMinWorldSize then -- Better test results are always smaller = closer to the limit of interact distance tMinWorldSize = tCurrWorldSize; if VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[tIndex] < VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT then tUpperBoundary = tNormFactor / VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[tIndex]; end end end return tUpperBoundary and (tMinWorldSize + tUpperBoundary) * 0.5 or tMinWorldSize; end -- local tX1, tY1, tX2, tY2; local tIsValid; local tIsInInstance; local function VUHDO_determineDistanceBetween(aUnit, anotherUnit) -- as of patch 7.1 APIs related to unit position/distance do not function inside instances tIsInInstance, _ = IsInInstance(); if tIsInInstance then return nil, nil; end tIsValid = true; -- as of patch 7.1 GetPlayerMapPosition() returns zero/nil inside certain zones tX1, tY1 = GetPlayerMapPosition(aUnit); if not tX1 or (tX1 + tY1 <= 0) then VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[aUnit] = true; tIsValid = false; end -- as of patch 7.1 GetPlayerMapPosition() returns zero/nil inside certain zones tX2, tY2 = GetPlayerMapPosition(anotherUnit); if not tX2 or (tX2 + tY2 <= 0) then VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[anotherUnit] = true; tIsValid = false; end if not tIsValid then return nil, nil; end return tX1 - tX2, tY1 - tY2; end -- local function VUHDO_clusterBuilderNewZone(anOldZone, aNewZone) VUHDO_clusterBuilderStoreZone(anOldZone); if VUHDO_STORED_ZONES[aNewZone] then VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(VUHDO_STORED_ZONES[aNewZone]["good"]); VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(VUHDO_STORED_ZONES[aNewZone]["fail"]); else VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[1] = VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT; VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[2] = VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT; VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[3] = VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT; VUHDO_INTERACT_MAX_DISTANCES[4] = VUHDO_MIN_TICK_UNIT; VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[1] = VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT; VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[2] = VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT; VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[3] = VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT; VUHDO_INTERACT_FAIL_MIN_DISTANCES[4] = VUHDO_MAX_TICK_UNIT; end end -- local tUnit, tInfo; local tAnotherUnit, tAnotherInfo; local tX, tY, tDeltaX, tDeltaY; local tMaxX, tMaxY; local tMapFileName, tDungeonLevels, tCurrLevel; local tCurrentZone; local tNumRaid; local tIndex = 0; local tNumSamples, tNumIterations; local VuhDoDummyStub = { ["GetName"] = function() return ""; end, ["IsForbidden"] = function() return false; end, }; function VUHDO_updateAllClusters() -- @UGLY Carbonite workaround local tFocusFrame = GetMouseFocus() or VuhDoDummyStub; -- check if our mouse focus frame is forbidden before calling any methods on it if tFocusFrame:IsForbidden() then return; elseif not tFocusFrame:GetName() then return; end if WorldMapFrame:IsShown() then return; end tX, tY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); if (tX or 0) + (tY or 0) <= 0 then VUHDO_setMapToCurrentZone(); end tMapFileName = (GetMapInfo()) or "*"; tCurrLevel = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() or 0; tCurrentZone = tMapFileName .. tCurrLevel; if VUHDO_LAST_ZONE ~= tCurrentZone then VUHDO_clusterBuilderNewZone(VUHDO_LAST_ZONE, tCurrentZone); VUHDO_LAST_ZONE = tCurrentZone; end tNumSamples, tNumIterations = 0, 0; tNumRaid = #VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID; while true do tIndex = tIndex + 1; if tIndex > tNumRaid then tIndex = 0; break; end tInfo = VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID[tIndex]; tUnit = tInfo["unit"]; if VUHDO_isValidClusterUnit(tInfo) then for tCnt = tIndex + 1, tNumRaid do tAnotherInfo = VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID[tCnt]; if VUHDO_isValidClusterUnit(tAnotherInfo) then tAnotherUnit = tAnotherInfo["unit"]; tDeltaX, tDeltaY = VUHDO_determineDistanceBetween(tUnit, tAnotherUnit); if tDeltaX then if not VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tUnit][tAnotherUnit] then VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tUnit][tAnotherUnit] = { }; end VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tUnit][tAnotherUnit][1] = tDeltaX; VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tUnit][tAnotherUnit][2] = tDeltaY; -- and the other way round to reduce iterations if not VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tAnotherUnit] then VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tAnotherUnit] = { }; end if not VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tAnotherUnit][tUnit] then VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tAnotherUnit][tUnit] = { }; end VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tAnotherUnit][tUnit][1] = tDeltaX; VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[tAnotherUnit][tUnit][2] = tDeltaY; tNumSamples = tNumSamples + 1; if tNumSamples > 50 then break; end -- VUHDO_MAX_SAMPLES end end tNumIterations = tNumIterations + 1; if tNumIterations > 120 then break; end -- VUHDO_MAX_ITERATIONS end -- for else -- Blacklist updaten for tCnt = tIndex + 1, tNumRaid do tAnotherInfo = VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID[tCnt]; if not tAnotherInfo then break; end VUHDO_isValidClusterUnit(tAnotherInfo); end end if tNumSamples > 50 or tNumIterations > 120 then break; end -- VUHDO_MAX_SAMPLES -- VUHDO_MAX_ITERATIONS end tMaxX = nil; -- Try to determine well known dungeons tDungeonLevels = VUHDO_MAP_FIX_WIDTH[tMapFileName]; if tDungeonLevels then tMaxX = tDungeonLevels[tCurrLevel]; --VUHDO_Msg(GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel()); end -- Otherwise get from heuristic database if (tMaxX or 0) == 0 then if VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS["player"] then for tUnit, tDeltas in pairs(VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS["player"]) do VUHDO_calibrateMapScale(tUnit, tDeltas[1], tDeltas[2]); end end tMaxX = VUHDO_getHeuristicMapWidth(); -- Unreasonable? if tMaxX < 1 or tMaxX >= VUHDO_MAP_LIMIT_YARDS then VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH = 0; return; end end -- if (VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH ~= tMaxX) then -- VUHDO_Msg("Map approx yards changed from " .. floor(VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH * 10) / 10 .. " to " .. floor(tMaxX * 10) / 10); -- end VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH = tMaxX; end -- function VUHDO_resetClusterCoordDeltas() twipe(VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS); end -- local function VUHDO_sortClusterComparator(aUnit, anotherUnit) return VUHDO_RAID[aUnit]["healthmax"] - VUHDO_RAID[aUnit]["health"] > VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnit]["healthmax"] - VUHDO_RAID[anotherUnit]["health"]; end -- local tDistance, tNumber, tInfo; local tStart, tDuration; function VUHDO_getUnitsInRadialClusterWith(aUnit, aYardsPow, anArray, aCdSpell) twipe(anArray); if aCdSpell then tStart, tDuration = GetSpellCooldown(aCdSpell); tDuration = tDuration or 0; if tDuration > 1.5 then -- Don't remove clusters for gcd tStart = tStart or 0; if tStart + tDuration > GetTime() then return anArray; end end end tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[aUnit]; if tInfo and not VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[aUnit] then anArray[1] = aUnit;-- Source is always part of the cluster end if VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH == 0 or not VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[aUnit] then return anArray; end for tOtherUnit, tDeltas in pairs(VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[aUnit]) do tDistance = (((tDeltas[1] or 0) * VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH) ^ 2) + (((tDeltas[2] or 0) * VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH / 1.5) ^ 2); if tDistance <= aYardsPow and not VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[tOtherUnit] then anArray[#anArray + 1] = tOtherUnit; end end tsort(anArray, VUHDO_sortClusterComparator); return anArray; end local VUHDO_getUnitsInRadialClusterWith = VUHDO_getUnitsInRadialClusterWith; -- local tWinnerUnit, tInfo, tWinnerMissLife; local tCurrMissLife; local function VUHDO_getMostDeficitUnitOutOf(anIncludeList, anExcludeList) tWinnerUnit = nil; tWinnerMissLife = -1; for _, tUnit in pairs(anIncludeList) do if not anExcludeList[tUnit] then tInfo = VUHDO_RAID[tUnit]; if tInfo and tInfo["healthmax"] - tInfo["health"] > tWinnerMissLife then tWinnerUnit = tUnit; tWinnerMissLife = tInfo["healthmax"] - tInfo["health"]; end end end return tWinnerUnit; end -- local tNextJumps = { }; local tExcludeList = { }; local tNumJumps = 0; function VUHDO_getUnitsInChainClusterWith(aUnit, aYardsPow, anArray, aMaxTargets, aCdSpell) twipe(anArray); twipe(tExcludeList) for tCnt = 1, aMaxTargets do anArray[tCnt] = aUnit; tExcludeList[aUnit] = true; VUHDO_getUnitsInRadialClusterWith(aUnit, aYardsPow, tNextJumps, aCdSpell); aUnit = VUHDO_getMostDeficitUnitOutOf(tNextJumps, tExcludeList); if not aUnit then break; end end return anArray; end -- local tDeltas, tDistance; function VUHDO_getDistanceBetween(aUnit, anotherUnit) if VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[aUnit] or VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[anotherUnit] then return nil; end if VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[aUnit] and VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[aUnit][anotherUnit] then tDeltas = VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[aUnit][anotherUnit]; return sqrt((((tDeltas[1] or 0) * VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH) ^ 2) + (((tDeltas[2] or 0) * VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH / 1.5) ^ 2)); end return nil; end -- local tDeltas, tXCoord, tYCoord; local function VUHDO_getRealPosition(aUnit) if VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[aUnit] then return nil; end if VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[aUnit] then tXCoord, tYCoord = GetPlayerMapPosition(aUnit); if tXCoord and tYCoord then return tXCoord * VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH, tYCoord * VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH / 1.5; end end return nil; end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local VuhDoLine = { }; local sLines = { }; VuhDoLine.__index = VuhDoLine; -- local tLine; function VuhDoLine.create(aLineNum, aStartX, aStartY, anEndX, anEndY) --local tLine = { }; if (sLines[aLineNum] == nil) then sLines[aLineNum] = { }; setmetatable(sLines[aLineNum], VuhDoLine); end tLine = sLines[aLineNum]; tLine.startX, tLine.startY, tLine.endX, tLine.endY = aStartX, aStartY, anEndX, anEndY; return tLine; end -- function VuhDoLine:enthaelt(anX, anY) return (anX >= self.startX and anX <= self.endX) or (anX <= self.startX and anX >= self.endX); end function VuhDoLine:hoehe() return self.endY - self.startY; end function VuhDoLine:breite() return self.endX - self.startX; end function VuhDoLine:steigung() return self:hoehe() / self:breite(); end function VuhDoLine:laenge() return sqrt((self:hoehe() * self:hoehe()) + (self:breite() * self:breite())); end function VuhDoLine:achsenabschnitt() return self.startY - (self:steigung() * self.startX); end local tX; function VuhDoLine:schnittpunkt(aLine) tX = (aLine:achsenabschnitt() - self:achsenabschnitt()) / (self:steigung() - aLine:steigung()); return tX, self:steigung() * tX + self:achsenabschnitt(); end -- local tLineToTarget; local tOrthogonale; local tOrthoLaenge; local tPlayerX, tPlayerY; local tTargetX, tTargetY; local tZuPruefenX, tZuPruefenY; local tSchnittX, tSchnittY; local tDestCluster = { }; local tNumFound; local tUnit; function VUHDO_getUnitsInLinearCluster(aUnit, anArray, aRange, aMaxTargets, anIsHealsPlayer, aCdSpell) twipe(anArray); twipe(tDestCluster); if aCdSpell then tStart, tDuration = GetSpellCooldown(aCdSpell); tDuration = tDuration or 0; if tDuration > 1.5 then -- Don't remove clusters for gcd tStart = tStart or 0; if tStart + tDuration > GetTime() then return anArray; end end end if VUHDO_MAP_WIDTH == 0 or not VUHDO_COORD_DELTAS[aUnit] then return; end tPlayerX, tPlayerY = VUHDO_getRealPosition("player"); if not tPlayerX then return; end tTargetX, tTargetY = VUHDO_getRealPosition(aUnit); if not tTargetX then return; end tLineToTarget = VuhDoLine.create(1, tPlayerX, tPlayerY, tTargetX, tTargetY); for _, tInfo in pairs(VUHDO_CLUSTER_BASE_RAID) do tUnit = tInfo["unit"]; if "player" ~= tUnit and not VUHDO_CLUSTER_BLACKLIST[tUnit] then tZuPruefenX, tZuPruefenY = VUHDO_getRealPosition(tUnit); if tZuPruefenX then tOrthogonale = VuhDoLine.create(2, tZuPruefenX - tLineToTarget:hoehe(), tZuPruefenY + tLineToTarget:breite(), tZuPruefenX + tLineToTarget:hoehe(), tZuPruefenY - tLineToTarget:breite()); tSchnittX, tSchnittY = tOrthogonale:schnittpunkt(tLineToTarget); if tLineToTarget:enthaelt(tSchnittX, tSchnittY) then tOrthoLaenge = VuhDoLine.create(3, tZuPruefenX, tZuPruefenY, tSchnittX, tSchnittY); if tOrthoLaenge:laenge() <= aRange then tDestCluster[#tDestCluster + 1] = aUnit; end end end end end if anIsHealsPlayer then if (VUHDO_tableUniqueAdd(tDestCluster, "player")) then aMaxTargets = aMaxTargets + 1; end end tsort(tDestCluster, VUHDO_sortClusterComparator); tNumFound = #tDestCluster; for tCnt = 1, tNumFound > aMaxTargets and aMaxTargets or tNumFound do anArray[tCnt] = tDestCluster[tCnt]; end end