---------------------------------------------------- local sIsOthers, sIsOwn, sIsNoInc; function VUHDO_healCommAdapterInitLocalOverrides() sIsOthers = VUHDO_CONFIG["SHOW_INCOMING"]; sIsOwn = VUHDO_CONFIG["SHOW_OWN_INCOMING"]; sIsNoInc = not sIsOwn and not sIsOthers; end ---------------------------------------------------- local VUHDO_INC_HEAL = { }; -- function VUHDO_getIncHealOnUnit(aUnit) return VUHDO_INC_HEAL[aUnit] or 0; end -- local tAllIncoming; function VUHDO_determineIncHeal(aUnit) if sIsNoInc then return; end if sIsOthers then if sIsOwn then VUHDO_INC_HEAL[aUnit] = VUHDO_unitGetIncomingHeals(aUnit); else tAllIncoming = (VUHDO_unitGetIncomingHeals(aUnit) or 0) - (VUHDO_unitGetIncomingHeals(aUnit, "player") or 0); VUHDO_INC_HEAL[aUnit] = tAllIncoming < 0 and 0 or tAllIncoming; end else VUHDO_INC_HEAL[aUnit] = VUHDO_unitGetIncomingHeals(aUnit, "player"); end end