local _; local huge = math.huge; local format = format; local sIsFade; local sIsWarnColor; local sIsSwiftmend; local sHotSetup; local sBuffs2Hots = { }; local sHotCols; local sHotSlots; local sBarColors; local sIsHotShowIcon; local sHotSlotCfgs; local sIsChargesIcon; local sClipL, sClipR, sClipT, sClipB = 0, 1, 0, 1; local sIsPlayerKnowsSwiftmend = false; local sSwiftmendUnits = { }; VUHDO_MY_HOTS = { }; local VUHDO_MY_HOTS = VUHDO_MY_HOTS; VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS = { }; local VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS = VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS; VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS = { }; local VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS = VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS; local VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS = { }; local VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS_OTHERS = { }; local sOthersHotsInfo = { }; local VUHDO_CHARGE_TEXTURES = { "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\hot_stacks1", "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\hot_stacks2", "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\hot_stacks3", "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\hot_stacks4" }; local VUHDO_SHIELD_TEXTURES = { "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\shield_stacks1", "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\shield_stacks2", "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\shield_stacks3", "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Images\\shield_stacks4" }; local VUHDO_CHARGE_COLORS = { "HOT_CHARGE_1", "HOT_CHARGE_2", "HOT_CHARGE_3", "HOT_CHARGE_4" }; local VUHDO_HOT_CFGS = { "HOT1", "HOT2", "HOT3", "HOT4", "HOT5", "HOT6", "HOT7", "HOT8", "HOT9", "HOT10", }; -- BURST CACHE ------------------------------------------------- local floor = floor; local table = table; local UnitBuff = UnitBuff; local GetSpellCooldown = GetSpellCooldown; local GetTime = GetTime; local strfind = strfind; local pairs = pairs; local twipe = table.wipe; local tostring = tostring; local _G = _G; local VUHDO_getHealthBar; local VUHDO_getBarRoleIcon; local VUHDO_updateAllClusterIcons; local VUHDO_shouldScanUnit; local VUHDO_getShieldLeftCount; local VUHDO_resolveVehicleUnit; local VUHDO_isPanelVisible; local VUHDO_getHealButton; local VUHDO_getUnitButtons; local VUHDO_getBarIcon; local VUHDO_getBarIconTimer; local VUHDO_getBarIconCounter; local VUHDO_getBarIconCharge; local VUHDO_getBarIconClockOrStub; local VUHDO_backColor; local VUHDO_textColor; local VUHDO_UIFrameFlash; local VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop; local VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP; local VUHDO_CAST_ICON_DIFF; local VUHDO_HEALING_HOTS; local VUHDO_RAID; local sIsClusterIcons; local sIsOthersHots; function VUHDO_customHotsInitLocalOverrides() -- variables VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP = _G["VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP"]; VUHDO_CAST_ICON_DIFF = _G["VUHDO_CAST_ICON_DIFF"]; VUHDO_HEALING_HOTS = _G["VUHDO_HEALING_HOTS"]; VUHDO_RAID = _G["VUHDO_RAID"]; VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS = _G["VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS"]; VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS_OTHERS = _G["VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS_OTHERS"]; -- functions VUHDO_getUnitButtons = _G["VUHDO_getUnitButtons"]; VUHDO_getHealthBar = _G["VUHDO_getHealthBar"]; VUHDO_getBarRoleIcon = _G["VUHDO_getBarRoleIcon"]; VUHDO_updateAllClusterIcons = _G["VUHDO_updateAllClusterIcons"]; VUHDO_shouldScanUnit = _G["VUHDO_shouldScanUnit"]; VUHDO_getShieldLeftCount = _G["VUHDO_getShieldLeftCount"]; VUHDO_resolveVehicleUnit = _G["VUHDO_resolveVehicleUnit"]; VUHDO_isPanelVisible = _G["VUHDO_isPanelVisible"]; VUHDO_getHealButton = _G["VUHDO_getHealButton"]; VUHDO_getBarIcon = _G["VUHDO_getBarIcon"]; VUHDO_getBarIconTimer = _G["VUHDO_getBarIconTimer"]; VUHDO_getBarIconCounter = _G["VUHDO_getBarIconCounter"]; VUHDO_getBarIconCharge = _G["VUHDO_getBarIconCharge"]; VUHDO_getBarIconClockOrStub = _G["VUHDO_getBarIconClockOrStub"]; VUHDO_backColor = _G["VUHDO_backColor"]; VUHDO_textColor = _G["VUHDO_textColor"]; sBarColors = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP["BAR_COLORS"]; sHotCols = sBarColors["HOTS"]; sIsFade = sHotCols["isFadeOut"]; VUHDO_UIFrameFlash = sHotCols["isFlashWhenLow"] and _G["VUHDO_UIFrameFlash"] or function() end; VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop = sHotCols["isFlashWhenLow"] and _G["VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop"] or function() end; sIsWarnColor = sHotCols["WARNING"]["enabled"]; sHotSetup = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP["HOTS"]; sHotSlots = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP["HOTS"]["SLOTS"]; sIsHotShowIcon = sHotSetup["iconRadioValue"] == 1; sIsChargesIcon = sHotSetup["stacksRadioValue"] == 3; sIsClusterIcons = VUHDO_INTERNAL_TOGGLES[16] or VUHDO_INTERNAL_TOGGLES[18]; -- -- VUHDO_UPDATE_NUM_CLUSTER -- VUHDO_UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_CLUSTER sIsOthersHots = VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS["OTHER"]; sHotSlotCfgs = { }; for tCnt = 1, 10 do sHotSlotCfgs[tCnt] = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP["HOTS"]["SLOTCFG"][tostring(tCnt)]; end end ---------------------------------------------------- -- function VUHDO_hotsSetClippings(aLeft, aRight, aTop, aBottom) sClipL, sClipR, sClipT, sClipB = aLeft, aRight, aTop, aBottom; end -- local tOphEmpty = { nil, 0 }; function VUHDO_getOtherPlayersHotInfo(aUnit) return sOthersHotsInfo[aUnit] or tOphEmpty; end -- function VUHDO_setKnowsSwiftmend(aKnowsSwiftmend) sIsPlayerKnowsSwiftmend = aKnowsSwiftmend; end -- -- local tCopy = { }; local function VUHDO_copyColor(aColor) tCopy["R"], tCopy["G"], tCopy["B"], tCopy["O"] = aColor["R"], aColor["G"], aColor["B"], aColor["O"]; tCopy["TR"], tCopy["TG"], tCopy["TB"], tCopy["TO"] = aColor["TR"], aColor["TG"], aColor["TB"], aColor["TO"]; tCopy["useBackground"], tCopy["useText"], tCopy["useOpacity"] = aColor["useBackground"], aColor["useText"], aColor["useOpacity"]; return tCopy; end -- local tHotBar; local function VUHDO_customizeHotBar(aButton, aRest, anIndex, aDuration, aColor) tHotBar = VUHDO_getHealthBar(aButton, anIndex + 3); if aColor then tHotBar:SetVuhDoColor(aColor); end if (aDuration or 0) == 0 or not aRest then tHotBar:SetValue(0); else tHotBar:SetValue(aRest / aDuration); end end -- local tHotName; local tDuration2; local tChargeTexture; local tIsChargeShown; local tIcon; local tTimer; local tCounter; local tClock; local tDuration; local tHotCfg; local tIsChargeAlpha; local tStarted; local function VUHDO_customizeHotIcons(aButton, aHotName, aRest, aTimes, anIcon, aDuration, aShieldCharges, aColor, anIndex, aClipL, aClipR, aClipT, aClipB) tHotCfg = sBarColors[VUHDO_HOT_CFGS[anIndex]]; tIcon = VUHDO_getBarIcon(aButton, anIndex); if not tIcon then return end; -- Noch nicht erstellt von redraw if not aRest then VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(tIcon); VUHDO_getBarIconFrame(aButton, anIndex):Hide(); return; else VUHDO_getBarIconFrame(aButton, anIndex):Show(); end tTimer = VUHDO_getBarIconTimer(aButton, anIndex); tCounter = VUHDO_getBarIconCounter(aButton, anIndex); tClock = VUHDO_getBarIconClockOrStub(aButton, anIndex, tHotCfg["isClock"]); tChargeTexture = VUHDO_getBarIconCharge(aButton, anIndex); if aColor and aColor["useText"] and aColor["TR"] then tCounter:SetTextColor(VUHDO_textColor(aColor)); end if anIcon and (sIsHotShowIcon or aColor) then tIcon:SetTexture(anIcon); end tIcon:SetTexCoord(aClipL or sClipL, aClipR or sClipR, aClipT or sClipT, aClipB or sClipB); aTimes = aTimes or 0; tIsChargeShown = sIsChargesIcon and aTimes > 0; if aRest == 999 then -- Other players' HoTs if aTimes > 0 then tIcon:SetAlpha(tHotCfg["O"]); tCounter:SetText(aTimes > 1 and aTimes or ""); else VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(tIcon); tIcon:SetAlpha(0); tCounter:SetText(""); end tTimer:SetText(""); tClock:SetAlpha(0); return; elseif aRest > 0 then tIcon:SetAlpha((aRest < 10 and sIsFade) and tHotCfg["O"] * aRest * 0.1 or tHotCfg["O"]); if aRest < 10 or tHotCfg["isFullDuration"] then tDuration = (tHotCfg["countdownMode"] == 2 and aRest < sHotCols["WARNING"]["lowSecs"]) and format("%.1f", aRest) or format("%d", aRest); else tDuration = (tHotCfg["O"] > 0 or tIsChargeShown) and "" or "X"; end tTimer:SetText(tDuration); tStarted = floor(10 * (GetTime() - aDuration + aRest + 0.5)) * 0.1; if tClock:GetAlpha() == 0 or (tClock:GetAttribute("started") or tStarted) ~= tStarted then tClock:SetAlpha(1); tClock:SetCooldown(tStarted, aDuration); tClock:SetAttribute("started", tStarted); end tIcon:SetAlpha((sIsFade and aRest < 10) and tHotCfg["O"] * aRest * 0.1 or tHotCfg["O"]); if aRest > 5 then VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(tIcon); tTimer:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); else tDuration2 = aRest * 0.2; tTimer:SetTextColor(1, tDuration2, tDuration2, 1); VUHDO_UIFrameFlash(tIcon, 0.2, 0.1, 5, true, 0, 0.1); end tCounter:SetText(aTimes > 1 and aTimes or ""); else VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(tIcon); tTimer:SetText(""); tClock:SetAlpha(0); tIcon:SetAlpha(tHotCfg["O"]); tCounter:SetText(aTimes > 1 and aTimes or ""); end --@TESTING --aTimes = floor(aRest / 3.5); if aTimes > 4 then aTimes = 4; end tIsChargeAlpha = false; if aColor and aColor["useSlotColor"] then tHotColor = VUHDO_copyColor(tHotCfg); elseif aColor and (not aColor["isDefault"] or not sIsHotShowIcon) then tHotColor = aColor; if aTimes > 1 and not aColor["noStacksColor"] then tChargeColor = sBarColors[VUHDO_CHARGE_COLORS[aTimes]]; if sHotCols["useColorBack"] then tHotColor["R"], tHotColor["G"], tHotColor["B"], tHotColor["O"] = tChargeColor["R"], tChargeColor["G"], tChargeColor["B"], tChargeColor["O"]; tIsChargeAlpha = true; end if sHotCols["useColorText"] then tHotColor["TR"], tHotColor["TG"], tHotColor["TB"], tHotColor["TO"] = tChargeColor["TR"], tChargeColor["TG"], tChargeColor["TB"], tChargeColor["TO"]; end end if tHotColor["useText"] and not sIsHotShowIcon then tTimer:SetTextColor(VUHDO_textColor(tHotColor)); end elseif sIsWarnColor and aRest < sHotCols["WARNING"]["lowSecs"] then tHotColor = sHotCols["WARNING"]; tTimer:SetTextColor(VUHDO_textColor(tHotColor)); else tHotColor = VUHDO_copyColor(tHotCfg); if sIsHotShowIcon then tHotColor["R"], tHotColor["G"], tHotColor["B"] = 1, 1, 1; elseif aTimes <= 1 or not sHotCols["useColorText"] then tTimer:SetTextColor(VUHDO_textColor(tHotColor)); end if aTimes > 1 then tChargeColor = sBarColors[VUHDO_CHARGE_COLORS[aTimes]]; if sHotCols["useColorBack"] then tHotColor["R"], tHotColor["G"], tHotColor["B"], tHotColor["O"] = tChargeColor["R"], tChargeColor["G"], tChargeColor["B"], tChargeColor["O"]; tIsChargeAlpha = true; end if sHotCols["useColorText"] then tHotColor["TR"], tHotColor["TG"], tHotColor["TB"], tHotColor["TO"] = tChargeColor["TR"], tChargeColor["TG"], tChargeColor["TB"], tChargeColor["TO"]; tTimer:SetTextColor(VUHDO_textColor(tHotColor)); end end end tIcon:SetVertexColor(tHotColor["R"], tHotColor["G"], tHotColor["B"], tIsChargeAlpha and tHotColor["O"]); if tIsChargeShown then tChargeTexture:SetTexture(VUHDO_CHARGE_TEXTURES[aTimes]); if tHotColor["R"] then tChargeTexture:SetVertexColor(VUHDO_backColor(tHotColor)); end tChargeTexture:Show(); elseif aShieldCharges > 0 then if sIsHotShowIcon then tHotColor = tHotCfg; end tChargeTexture:SetTexture(VUHDO_SHIELD_TEXTURES[aShieldCharges]); if tHotColor["R"] then tChargeTexture:SetVertexColor(tHotColor["R"] + 0.15, tHotColor["G"] + 0.15, tHotColor["B"] + 0.15, tHotColor["O"]); end tChargeTexture:Show(); else tChargeTexture:Hide(); end end -- local tAllButtons; local tShieldCharges; local tIsMatch; local tIsMine, tIsOthers; local function VUHDO_updateHotIcons(aUnit, aHotName, aRest, aTimes, anIcon, aDuration, aMode, aColor, aHotSpellName, aClipL, aClipR, aClipT, aClipB) tAllButtons = VUHDO_getUnitButtons(VUHDO_resolveVehicleUnit(aUnit)); if not tAllButtons then return; end tShieldCharges = VUHDO_getShieldLeftCount(aUnit, aHotSpellName or aHotName, aMode) or 0; -- if not our shield don't show remaining absorption for tIndex, tHotName in pairs(sHotSlots) do if aHotName == tHotName then if aMode == 0 or aColor then tIsMatch = true; -- Bouquet => aColor ~= nil else tIsMine, tIsOthers = sHotSlotCfgs[tIndex]["mine"], sHotSlotCfgs[tIndex]["others"]; tIsMatch = (aMode == 1 and tIsMine and not tIsOthers) or (aMode == 2 and not tIsMine and tIsOthers) or (aMode == 3 and tIsMine and tIsOthers); end if tIsMatch then if tIndex >= 6 and tIndex <= 8 then for _, tButton in pairs(tAllButtons) do VUHDO_customizeHotBar(tButton, aRest, tIndex, aDuration, aColor); end else for _, tButton in pairs(tAllButtons) do VUHDO_customizeHotIcons(tButton, aHotName, aRest, aTimes, anIcon, aDuration, tShieldCharges, aColor, tIndex, aClipL, aClipR, aClipT, aClipB); end end end end end end -- local tHotIconFrame; local function VUHDO_removeButtonHots(aButton) for tCnt = 1, 5 do VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(VUHDO_getBarIcon(aButton, tCnt)); tHotIconFrame = VUHDO_getBarIconFrame(aButton, tCnt); if tHotIconFrame then tHotIconFrame:Hide(); end end for tCnt = 9, 10 do VUHDO_UIFrameFlashStop(VUHDO_getBarIcon(aButton, tCnt)); tHotIconFrame = VUHDO_getBarIconFrame(aButton, tCnt); if tHotIconFrame then tHotIconFrame:Hide(); end end for tCnt = 9, 11 do VUHDO_getHealthBar(aButton, tCnt):SetValue(0); end VUHDO_getBarRoleIcon(aButton, 51):Hide(); -- Swiftmend indicator end -- function VUHDO_removeHots(aUnit) for _, tButton in pairs(VUHDO_getUnitButtonsSafe(aUnit)) do VUHDO_removeButtonHots(tButton); end end local VUHDO_removeHots = VUHDO_removeHots; -- local tCount; local tHotInfo; local tAlive; local function VUHDO_snapshotHot(aHotName, aRest, aStacks, anIcon, anIsMine, aDuration, aUnit, anExpiry) aStacks = aStacks or 0; tCount = aStacks == 0 and 1 or aStacks; tAlive = GetTime() - anExpiry + (aDuration or 0); if anIsMine then if not VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName] then VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName] = { }; end tHotInfo = VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName]; tHotInfo[1], tHotInfo[2], tHotInfo[3], tHotInfo[4], tHotInfo[5] = aRest, aStacks, anIcon, aDuration, tAlive; elseif VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS_OTHERS[aHotName] then if not VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName] then VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName] = { }; end tHotInfo = VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName]; if not tHotInfo[1] then tHotInfo[1], tHotInfo[2], tHotInfo[3], tHotInfo[4], tHotInfo[5] = aRest, aStacks, anIcon, aDuration, tAlive; else if aRest > tHotInfo[1] then tHotInfo[1] = aRest; end tHotInfo[2] = tHotInfo[2] + tCount; end end if not VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName] then VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName] = { }; end tHotInfo = VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit][aHotName]; if not tHotInfo[1] then tHotInfo[1], tHotInfo[2], tHotInfo[3], tHotInfo[4], tHotInfo[5] = aRest, aStacks, anIcon, aDuration, tAlive; else if anIsMine or aRest > tHotInfo[1] then tHotInfo[1] = aRest; end tHotInfo[2] = tHotInfo[2] + tCount; end end local VUHDO_IGNORE_HOT_IDS = { [67358] = true, -- "Rejuvenating" proc has same name in russian and spanish as rejuvenation [126921] = true, -- "Weakened Soul" by Shao-Tien Soul-Render [65148] = true, -- Second buff of Sacred Shield: New absorb buff every 6 (which actually lasts 30 sec.) } -- function VUHDO_hotBouquetCallback(aUnit, anIsActive, anIcon, aTimer, aCounter, aDuration, aColor, aBuffName, aBouquetName, anImpact, aTimer2, aClipL, aClipR, aClipT, aClipB) VUHDO_updateHotIcons(aUnit, "BOUQUET_" .. (aBouquetName or ""), aTimer, aCounter, anIcon, aDuration, 0, aColor, aBuffName, aClipL, aClipR, aClipT, aClipB); end -- local tTalentRampantGrowthSpellId; local tIsTalentSelected; function VUHDO_hasTalentRampantGrowth() if "DRUID" ~= VUHDO_PLAYER_CLASS then return false; end tTalentRampantGrowthSpellId = 155834; _, _, _, tIsTalentSelected, _ = GetTalentInfoByID(tTalentRampantGrowthSpellId); return tIsTalentSelected; end -- local tOtherHotCnt; local tIconFound; local tOtherIcon; local tBuffIcon; local tExpiry; local tRest; local tStacks; local tCaster; local tBuffName; local tStart, tEnabled; local tSmDuration; local tDiffIcon; local tHotFromBuff; local tIsCastByPlayer; local tDuration; local tSpellId, tDebuffOffset; local tNow; local tFilter; local function VUHDO_updateHots(aUnit, anInfo) if anInfo["isVehicle"] then VUHDO_removeHots(aUnit); aUnit = anInfo["petUnit"]; if not aUnit then return; end-- bei z.B. focus/target end if not VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit] then VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit] = { }; end if not VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit] then VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit] = { }; end if not VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit] then VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit] = { }; end for _, tHotInfo in pairs(VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit]) do tHotInfo[1] = nil end -- Rest == nil => Icon l�schen for _, tHotInfo in pairs(VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit]) do tHotInfo[1] = nil; end for _, tHotInfo in pairs(VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit]) do tHotInfo[1] = nil; end sIsSwiftmend = false; tOtherIcon = nil; tOtherHotCnt = 0; if not sOthersHotsInfo[aUnit] then sOthersHotsInfo[aUnit] = { nil, 0 }; else sOthersHotsInfo[aUnit][1], sOthersHotsInfo[aUnit][2] = nil, 0; end if VUHDO_shouldScanUnit(aUnit) then tNow = GetTime(); tDebuffOffset = nil; for tCnt = 1, huge do if not tDebuffOffset then tBuffName, _, tBuffIcon, tStacks, _, tDuration, tExpiry, tCaster, _, _, tSpellId = UnitBuff(aUnit, tCnt); if not tBuffIcon then tDebuffOffset = tCnt - 1; end end if tDebuffOffset then -- Achtung kein elseif tBuffName, _, tBuffIcon, tStacks, _, tDuration, tExpiry, tCaster, _, _, tSpellId = UnitDebuff(aUnit, tCnt - tDebuffOffset); if not tBuffIcon then break; end end tIsCastByPlayer = tCaster == "player" or tCaster == VUHDO_PLAYER_RAID_ID; if sIsPlayerKnowsSwiftmend and not sIsSwiftmend then if VUHDO_SPELL_ID.REGROWTH == tBuffName or VUHDO_SPELL_ID.REJUVENATION == tBuffName or VUHDO_SPELL_ID.GERMINATION == tBuffName then tStart, tSmDuration, tEnabled = GetSpellCooldown(VUHDO_SPELL_ID.SWIFTMEND); if tEnabled ~= 0 and (tStart == nil or tSmDuration == nil or tStart <= 0 or tSmDuration <= 1.6) then -- L100 talent makes a unit swiftmendable only with OWN hots if VUHDO_hasTalentRampantGrowth() then if tIsCastByPlayer then sIsSwiftmend = true; end else sIsSwiftmend = true; end end end end if (tExpiry or 0) == 0 then tExpiry = (tNow + 9999); end tHotFromBuff = sBuffs2Hots[tBuffName .. tBuffIcon] or sBuffs2Hots[tSpellId]; if tHotFromBuff == "" or VUHDO_IGNORE_HOT_IDS[tSpellId] then -- non hot buff elseif tHotFromBuff then -- Hot buff cached tRest = tExpiry - tNow; if tRest > 0 then VUHDO_snapshotHot(tHotFromBuff, tRest, tStacks, tBuffIcon, tIsCastByPlayer, tDuration, aUnit, tExpiry); end else -- not yet scanned sBuffs2Hots[tBuffName .. tBuffIcon] = ""; sBuffs2Hots[tSpellId] = ""; for tHotCmpName, _ in pairs(VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS) do tDiffIcon = VUHDO_CAST_ICON_DIFF[tHotCmpName]; if tDiffIcon == tBuffIcon or (tDiffIcon == nil and tBuffName == tHotCmpName) or tostring(tSpellId or -1) == tHotCmpName then tRest = tExpiry - tNow; if tRest > 0 then VUHDO_snapshotHot(tHotCmpName, tRest, tStacks, tBuffIcon, tIsCastByPlayer, tDuration, aUnit, tExpiry); end sBuffs2Hots[tBuffName .. tBuffIcon] = tHotCmpName; sBuffs2Hots[tSpellId] = tHotCmpName; break; end end end if not tIsCastByPlayer and VUHDO_HEALING_HOTS[tBuffName] and not VUHDO_ACTIVE_HOTS_OTHERS[tBuffName] then tOtherIcon = tBuffIcon; tOtherHotCnt = tOtherHotCnt + 1; sOthersHotsInfo[aUnit][1] = tOtherIcon; sOthersHotsInfo[aUnit][2] = tOtherHotCnt; end end -- Other players' HoTs if sIsOthersHots then VUHDO_updateHotIcons(aUnit, "OTHER", 999, tOtherHotCnt, tOtherIcon, nil, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); end -- Clusters if sIsClusterIcons then VUHDO_updateAllClusterIcons(aUnit, anInfo); end -- Swiftmend if sIsPlayerKnowsSwiftmend then sSwiftmendUnits[aUnit] = sIsSwiftmend; end end -- Should scan unit -- Own for tHotCmpName, tHotInfo in pairs(VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit]) do VUHDO_updateHotIcons(aUnit, tHotCmpName, tHotInfo[1], tHotInfo[2], tHotInfo[3], tHotInfo[4], 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); if not tHotInfo[1] then twipe(tHotInfo); VUHDO_MY_HOTS[aUnit][tHotCmpName] = nil; end end -- Others for tHotCmpName, tHotInfo in pairs(VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit]) do VUHDO_updateHotIcons(aUnit, tHotCmpName, tHotInfo[1], tHotInfo[2], tHotInfo[3], tHotInfo[4], 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); if not tHotInfo[1] then twipe(tHotInfo); VUHDO_OTHER_HOTS[aUnit][tHotCmpName] = nil; end end -- Own+Others for tHotCmpName, tHotInfo in pairs(VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit]) do VUHDO_updateHotIcons(aUnit, tHotCmpName, tHotInfo[1], tHotInfo[2], tHotInfo[3], tHotInfo[4], 3, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); if not tHotInfo[1] then twipe(tHotInfo); VUHDO_MY_AND_OTHERS_HOTS[aUnit][tHotCmpName] = nil; end end end -- local tIcon; function VUHDO_swiftmendIndicatorBouquetCallback(aUnit, anIsActive, anIcon, aTimer, aCounter, aDuration, aColor, aBuffName, aBouquetName, anImpact, aTimer2, aClipL, aClipR, aClipT, aClipB) for _, tButton in pairs(VUHDO_getUnitButtonsSafe(aUnit)) do if anIsActive and aColor then tIcon = VUHDO_getBarRoleIcon(tButton, 51); tIcon:SetTexture(anIcon); tIcon:SetVertexColor(VUHDO_backColor(aColor)); tIcon:SetTexCoord(aClipL or 0, aClipR or 1, aClipT or 0, aClipB or 1); tIcon:Show(); else VUHDO_getBarRoleIcon(tButton, 51):Hide(); end end end -- local sIsSuspended = false; function VUHDO_suspendHoTs(aFlag) sIsSuspended = aFlag; end -- function VUHDO_updateAllHoTs() if sIsSuspended then return; end twipe(sSwiftmendUnits); for tUnit, tInfo in pairs(VUHDO_RAID) do VUHDO_updateHots(tUnit, tInfo); end end -- function VUHDO_removeAllHots() local tButton; local tCnt2; for tCnt = 1, 10 do if VUHDO_getActionPanel(tCnt) then if VUHDO_isPanelVisible(tCnt) then tCnt2 = 1; while true do tButton = VUHDO_getHealButton(tCnt2, tCnt); if not tButton then break; end -- Auch nicht belegte buttons ausblenden VUHDO_removeButtonHots(tButton); tCnt2 = tCnt2 + 1; end end else break; end end VUHDO_updatePlayerTarget(); end -- function VUHDO_resetHotBuffCache() twipe(sBuffs2Hots); end function VUHDO_isUnitSwiftmendable(aUnit) return sSwiftmendUnits[aUnit]; end