local GetNumGroupMembers = GetNumGroupMembers; local twipe = table.wipe; local tonumber = tonumber; local pairs = pairs; local ipairs = ipairs; local _; VUHDO_GROUP_SIZE = 1; VUHDO_PROFILES = { }; local VUHDO_DEFAULT_PROFILES = { { ["NAME"] = VUHDO_I18N_DEF_BIT_O_GRID, ["CONFIG"] = { ["DIRECTION"] = { ["isAlways"] = false, ["isDistanceText"] = false, ["enable"] = true, ["isDeadOnly"] = false, ["scale"] = 50, }, ["MODE"] = 1, ["IS_SHOW_GCD"] = false, ["SHOW_PLAYER_TAGS"] = true, ["SHOW_OVERHEAL"] = true, --["doCompress"] = true, ["EMERGENCY_TRIGGER"] = 100, ["SHOW_INCOMING"] = true, ["HIDE_EMPTY_BUTTONS"] = false, ["LOCK_CLICKS_THROUGH"] = false, ["CUSTOM_DEBUFF"] = { ["animate"] = true, ["scale"] = 0.8, ["isIcon"] = true, ["selected"] = "", ["TIMER_TEXT"] = { ["X_ADJUST"] = 20, ["USE_MONO"] = false, ["Y_ADJUST"] = 26, ["ANCHOR"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT", ["USE_OUTLINE"] = false, ["SCALE"] = 85, ["COLOR"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["FONT"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Fonts\\ariblk.ttf", ["USE_SHADOW"] = true, }, ["yAdjust"] = -34, ["isColor"] = false, ["isStacks"] = false, ["COUNTER_TEXT"] = { ["X_ADJUST"] = -10, ["USE_MONO"] = false, ["Y_ADJUST"] = -15, ["ANCHOR"] = "TOPLEFT", ["USE_OUTLINE"] = false, ["SCALE"] = 70, ["COLOR"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 0, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["FONT"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Fonts\\ariblk.ttf", ["USE_SHADOW"] = true, }, ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT", ["timer"] = true, ["isName"] = false, ["xAdjust"] = -2, ["max_num"] = 3, }, ["SHOW_TEXT_OVERHEAL"] = true, }, ["LOCKED"] = false, ["HARDLOCKED"] = true, ["PANEL_POSITIONS"] = { { ["y"] = 458.0802990022318, ["x"] = 649.5469195970409, ["orientation"] = "TOPLEFT", ["relativePoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["scale"] = 1, ["height"] = 56, ["growth"] = "TOPLEFT", ["width"] = 56, }, -- [1] }, ["INDICATOR_CONFIG"] = { ["CUSTOM"] = { ["THREAT_BAR"] = { ["invertGrowth"] = false, ["turnAxis"] = false, ["HEIGHT"] = 4, ["WARN_AT"] = 85, ["TEXTURE"] = "VuhDo - 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["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["useDebuffIconBossOnly"] = true, ["BAR_FRAMES"] = { ["useOpacity"] = true, ["R"] = 0, ["B"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["O"] = 0.7, ["useBackground"] = true, }, ["HOT9"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 0, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 0.6, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOT_CHARGE_3"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 0.6, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["useBackground"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF3"] = { ["TG"] = 0.957, ["R"] = 0.4, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.4, ["TR"] = 0.329, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.8, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["INCOMING"] = { ["TG"] = 0.8254, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = false, ["useText"] = false, ["O"] = 0.33, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF4"] = { ["TG"] = 0, ["R"] = 0.7, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.7, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF6"] = { ["TG"] = 0.5, ["R"] = 0.6, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 0.8, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["HOT5"] = { ["TG"] = 0.6, ["countdownMode"] = 0, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOTS"] = { ["useColorText"] = true, ["useColorBack"] = true, ["isPumpDivineAegis"] = false, ["isFadeOut"] = false, ["isFlashWhenLow"] = false, ["showShieldAbsorb"] = true, ["WARNING"] = { ["enabled"] = false, ["lowSecs"] = 3, ["R"] = 0.5, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 0.2, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.2, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["TG"] = 0.6, }, }, ["HOT2"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 0, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEAD"] = { ["TG"] = 0.5, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 0.5, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 0.5, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 0.5, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["useDebuffIcon"] = false, ["OFFLINE"] = { ["TG"] = 0.5760533102985354, ["R"] = 0.298, ["TB"] = 0.576, ["G"] = 0.298, ["TR"] = 0.5760535455434231, ["TO"] = 0.58, ["B"] = 0.298, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 0.21, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["OUTRANGED"] = { ["TG"] = 0, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 0, ["TO"] = 0.5, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = false, ["useText"] = false, ["O"] = 0.2, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["CHARMED"] = { ["TG"] = 0.31, ["R"] = 0.51, ["TB"] = 0.31, ["G"] = 0.08254, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.263, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["HOT3"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 0, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.1765, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOT4"] = { ["TG"] = 0.815, ["countdownMode"] = 0, ["R"] = 0.301, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.301, ["TR"] = 0.7881, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF2"] = { ["TG"] = 0, ["R"] = 0.8, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0.4, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.4, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF0"] = { ["useBackground"] = false, ["useText"] = false, ["useOpacity"] = false, }, ["HOT8"] = { ["useBackground"] = true, ["R"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["O"] = 0.75, }, ["HOT10"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 0, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 0.3, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 0.6, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOT_CHARGE_4"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.8, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.8, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.8, ["useBackground"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF1"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 0.6861, ["G"] = 0.592, ["TR"] = 0, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.8, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["HOT_CHARGE_2"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["useBackground"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, }, }, }, ["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"] = "PRIEST", }, -- [1] { ["NAME"] = VUHDO_I18N_DEF_VUHDO_ESQUE, ["CONFIG"] = { ["DIRECTION"] = { ["isAlways"] = false, ["isDistanceText"] = false, ["enable"] = true, ["isDeadOnly"] = false, ["scale"] = 75, }, ["MODE"] = 1, ["IS_SHOW_GCD"] = false, ["SHOW_PLAYER_TAGS"] = true, ["SHOW_OVERHEAL"] = true, --["doCompress"] = true, ["EMERGENCY_TRIGGER"] = 100, ["SHOW_INCOMING"] = true, ["HIDE_EMPTY_BUTTONS"] = false, ["LOCK_CLICKS_THROUGH"] = false, ["SHOW_TEXT_OVERHEAL"] = true, }, ["LOCKED"] = false, ["HARDLOCKED"] = true, ["PANEL_POSITIONS"] = { { ["y"] = 731.9998928801197, ["x"] = 42.82658437085802, ["scale"] = 1, ["relativePoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["orientation"] = "TOPLEFT", ["height"] = 55.9999836930366, ["growth"] = "TOPLEFT", ["width"] = 84.99999950797955, }, -- [1] { ["y"] = 733.706721371843, ["x"] = 131.5732897843692, ["scale"] = 1, ["relativePoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["orientation"] = "TOPLEFT", ["height"] = 30.99993554532138, ["growth"] = "TOPLEFT", ["width"] = 143.0000131439748, }, -- [2] { ["y"] = 668.8535725358685, ["x"] = 44.53297651073297, ["scale"] = 1, ["relativePoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["orientation"] = "TOPLEFT", ["height"] = 19.99999353344555, ["growth"] = "TOPLEFT", ["width"] = 84.99999051103423, }, -- [3] { ["y"] = 685.2200237420952, ["x"] = 140.9599377973693, ["scale"] = 1, ["relativePoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", 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["_spacing"] = 17.99999507979553, ["showPetOwners"] = true, }, }, -- [4] ["PANEL_COLOR"] = { ["TEXT"] = { ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0, ["useText"] = true, ["TG"] = 0.82, }, ["BARS"] = { ["useOpacity"] = true, ["R"] = 0.7, ["B"] = 0.7, ["G"] = 0.7, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, }, ["classColorsName"] = false, }, ["HOTS"] = { ["SLOTS"] = { [10] = "BOUQUET_" .. VUHDO_I18N_DEF_AOE_ADVICE, }, ["BARS"] = { ["radioValue"] = 1, ["width"] = 25, }, ["TIMER_TEXT"] = { ["X_ADJUST"] = 25, ["SCALE"] = 60, ["USE_MONO"] = false, ["Y_ADJUST"] = 0, ["FONT"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Fonts\\ariblk.ttf", ["USE_SHADOW"] = false, ["ANCHOR"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT", ["USE_OUTLINE"] = true, }, ["iconRadioValue"] = 2, ["radioValue"] = 20, ["COUNTER_TEXT"] = { ["X_ADJUST"] = -25, ["SCALE"] = 66, ["USE_MONO"] = false, ["Y_ADJUST"] = 0, ["FONT"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\VuhDo\\Fonts\\ariblk.ttf", ["USE_SHADOW"] = false, ["ANCHOR"] = "TOPLEFT", ["USE_OUTLINE"] = true, }, ["stacksRadioValue"] = 3, }, ["BAR_COLORS"] = { ["OVERHEAL_TEXT"] = { ["useOpacity"] = true, ["TO"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0.8, ["TG"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, ["TR"] = 0.8, }, ["HOT7"] = { ["useBackground"] = true, ["R"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["O"] = 0.75, }, ["CLUSTER_FAIR"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.8, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0.8, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOT1"] = { ["TG"] = 0.6, ["countdownMode"] = 1, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["useDebuffIconBossOnly"] = true, ["EMERGENCY"] = { ["TG"] = 0.82, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["BAR_FRAMES"] = { ["useOpacity"] = true, ["R"] = 0, ["B"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["O"] = 0.7, ["useBackground"] = true, }, ["HOT9"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 0.6, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOT_CHARGE_3"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 0.6, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["useBackground"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF3"] = { ["TG"] = 0.957, ["R"] = 0.4, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.4, ["TR"] = 0.329, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.8, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["INCOMING"] = { ["TG"] = 0.82, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = false, ["useText"] = false, ["O"] = 0.33, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["HOT6"] = { ["useBackground"] = true, ["R"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["O"] = 0.75, }, ["DEBUFF4"] = { ["TG"] = 0, ["R"] = 0.7, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.7, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF6"] = { ["TG"] = 0.5, ["R"] = 0.6, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 0.8, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["HOT5"] = { ["TG"] = 0.6, ["countdownMode"] = 1, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOTS"] = { ["useColorText"] = true, ["useColorBack"] = true, ["isPumpDivineAegis"] = false, ["isFadeOut"] = false, ["isFlashWhenLow"] = false, ["showShieldAbsorb"] = true, ["WARNING"] = { ["enabled"] = false, ["lowSecs"] = 3, ["R"] = 0.5, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 0.2, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.2, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["TG"] = 0.6, }, }, ["HOT2"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 1, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEAD"] = { ["TG"] = 0.5, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 0.5, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 0.5, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 0.5, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["useDebuffIcon"] = false, ["OFFLINE"] = { ["TG"] = 0.576, ["R"] = 0.298, ["TB"] = 0.576, ["G"] = 0.298, ["TR"] = 0.576, ["TO"] = 0.58, ["B"] = 0.298, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 0.21, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["OUTRANGED"] = { ["TG"] = 0, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0, ["TR"] = 0, ["TO"] = 0.5, ["B"] = 0, ["useBackground"] = false, ["useText"] = false, ["O"] = 0.25, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["CHARMED"] = { ["TG"] = 0.31, ["R"] = 0.51, ["TB"] = 0.31, ["G"] = 0.082, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.263, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["HOT3"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 1, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOT4"] = { ["TG"] = 0.6, ["countdownMode"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.3, ["TR"] = 0.6, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF2"] = { ["TG"] = 0, ["R"] = 0.8, ["TB"] = 0, ["G"] = 0.4, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.4, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF0"] = { ["useBackground"] = false, ["useText"] = false, ["useOpacity"] = false, }, ["HOT8"] = { ["useBackground"] = true, ["R"] = 1, ["B"] = 1, ["G"] = 1, ["O"] = 0.75, }, ["HOT10"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["countdownMode"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.3, ["TB"] = 0.3, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 0.6, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["O"] = 1, ["useBackground"] = true, ["isFullDuration"] = false, ["useText"] = true, }, ["HOT_CHARGE_4"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0.8, ["TB"] = 1, ["G"] = 0.8, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.8, ["useBackground"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, }, ["DEBUFF1"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 0, ["TB"] = 0.6860000000000001, ["G"] = 0.592, ["TR"] = 0, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.8, ["useBackground"] = true, ["useText"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useOpacity"] = true, }, ["HOT_CHARGE_2"] = { ["TG"] = 1, ["R"] = 1, ["TB"] = 0.6, ["G"] = 1, ["TR"] = 1, ["TO"] = 1, ["B"] = 0.3, ["useBackground"] = true, ["O"] = 1, ["useText"] = true, }, }, }, ["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"] = "PRIEST", }, -- [2] }; -- local function VUHDO_compressAllProfileParts(aProfile) aProfile["CONFIG"] = VUHDO_compressTable(aProfile["CONFIG"]); aProfile["PANEL_SETUP"] = VUHDO_compressTable(aProfile["PANEL_SETUP"]); aProfile["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"] = VUHDO_compressTable(aProfile["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"]); aProfile["SPELL_CONFIG"] = VUHDO_compressTable(aProfile["SPELL_CONFIG"]); aProfile["BUFF_SETTINGS"] = VUHDO_compressTable(aProfile["BUFF_SETTINGS"]); aProfile["BUFF_ORDER"] = VUHDO_compressTable(aProfile["BUFF_ORDER"]); aProfile["INDICATOR_CONFIG"] = VUHDO_compressTable(aProfile["INDICATOR_CONFIG"]); end -- local tAutoProfileIndices = { "1", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "40" }; local tKey; local function VUHDO_getBestProfileForSpecAndSize(aSpec, aSize) for _, tIndex in ipairs(tAutoProfileIndices) do tKey = "SPEC_" .. aSpec .. "_" .. tIndex; if VUHDO_CONFIG["AUTO_PROFILES"][tKey] and aSize <= tonumber(tIndex) then return VUHDO_CONFIG["AUTO_PROFILES"][tKey]; end end return nil; end -- local function VUHDO_getBestProfileForSpec(aSpec) return VUHDO_CONFIG["AUTO_PROFILES"]["SPEC_" .. aSpec]; end -- local function VUHDO_getBestProfileForSize(aSize) for _, tIndex in ipairs(tAutoProfileIndices) do if VUHDO_CONFIG["AUTO_PROFILES"][tIndex] and aSize <= tonumber(tIndex) then return VUHDO_CONFIG["AUTO_PROFILES"][tIndex]; end end return nil; end -- local tSpec; function VUHDO_getBestProfileAfterSpecChange() tSpec = GetActiveSpecGroup(false); return VUHDO_getBestProfileForSpecAndSize(tSpec, VUHDO_GROUP_SIZE) or VUHDO_getBestProfileForSpec(tSpec) or VUHDO_getBestProfileForSize(VUHDO_GROUP_SIZE); end -- function VUHDO_getBestProfileAfterSizeChange() tSpec = GetActiveSpecGroup(false); return VUHDO_getBestProfileForSpecAndSize(tSpec, VUHDO_GROUP_SIZE) or VUHDO_getBestProfileForSize(VUHDO_GROUP_SIZE) or VUHDO_getBestProfileForSpec(tSpec); end -- VUHDO_DEBUG_AUTO_PROFILE = nil; VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP = true; local tIndex; local VUHDO_PROFILE_CFG; -- local tIsInPetBattle = false; function VUHDO_setPetBattle(anIsStarted) tIsInPetBattle = anIsStarted and VUHDO_CONFIG["HIDE_PANELS_PET_BATTLE"]; if VuhDoBuffWatchMainFrame and VUHDO_CONFIG["HIDE_PANELS_PET_BATTLE"] then VUHDO_setBuffWatchForceHide(anIsStarted); if anIsStarted then VuhDoBuffWatchMainFrame:Hide(); else VUHDO_reloadBuffPanel(); end end end -- local tGroupSize; local tProfile; local tGroupType; function VUHDO_getAutoProfile() tGroupType = VUHDO_getCurrentGroupType(); if VUHDO_DEBUG_AUTO_PROFILE then tGroupSize = VUHDO_DEBUG_AUTO_PROFILE; elseif VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_RAID == tGroupType or VUHDO_IS_CONFIG then tGroupSize = GetNumGroupMembers(); if not VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP and VUHDO_CONFIG["SHOW_PANELS"] and not tIsInPetBattle then VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP = true; VUHDO_timeReloadUI(0.1); end elseif VUHDO_GROUP_TYPE_PARTY == tGroupType then tGroupSize = GetNumGroupMembers(); if not VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP then if not VUHDO_CONFIG["HIDE_PANELS_PARTY"] and VUHDO_CONFIG["SHOW_PANELS"] and not tIsInPetBattle then VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP = true; VUHDO_timeReloadUI(0.1); end elseif VUHDO_CONFIG["HIDE_PANELS_PARTY"] or tIsInPetBattle then VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP = false; VUHDO_timeReloadUI(0.1); end else tGroupSize = 1; twipe(VUHDO_MAINTANK_NAMES); if not VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP then if not VUHDO_CONFIG["HIDE_PANELS_SOLO"] and VUHDO_CONFIG["SHOW_PANELS"] and not tIsInPetBattle then VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP = true; VUHDO_timeReloadUI(0.1); end elseif VUHDO_CONFIG["HIDE_PANELS_SOLO"] or tIsInPetBattle then VUHDO_IS_SHOWN_BY_GROUP = false; VUHDO_timeReloadUI(0.1); end end if VUHDO_GROUP_SIZE ~= tGroupSize and tGroupSize > 0 then VUHDO_GROUP_SIZE = tGroupSize; tProfile = VUHDO_getBestProfileAfterSizeChange(); if tProfile ~= VUHDO_CONFIG["CURRENT_PROFILE"] then return tProfile, tGroupSize; end end return nil, nil; end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL = 0; VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS = 1; VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_TOON = 2; VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER = 99; -- function VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(aName) for tIndex, tValue in pairs(VUHDO_PROFILES) do if tValue["NAME"] == aName then return tIndex, tValue; end end return nil, nil; end -- function VUHDO_getProfileNamed(aName) for tIndex, tValue in pairs(VUHDO_PROFILES) do if (tValue["NAME"] == aName) then local tNewValue = { ["NAME"] = tValue["NAME"], ["LOCKED"] = tValue["LOCKED"], ["HARDLOCKED"] = tValue["HARDLOCKED"], ["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"] = tValue["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"], ["ORIGINATOR_TOON"] = tValue["ORIGINATOR_TOON"], ["CONFIG"] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(tValue["CONFIG"]), ["PANEL_SETUP"] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(tValue["PANEL_SETUP"]), ["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(tValue["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"]), ["SPELL_CONFIG"] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(tValue["SPELL_CONFIG"]), ["BUFF_SETTINGS"] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(tValue["BUFF_SETTINGS"]), ["BUFF_ORDER"] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(tValue["BUFF_ORDER"]), ["INDICATOR_CONFIG"] = VUHDO_decompressIfCompressed(tValue["INDICATOR_CONFIG"]), ["PANEL_POSITIONS"] = tValue["PANEL_POSITIONS"] }; return tIndex, tNewValue; end end return nil, nil; end -- local function VUHDO_createNewProfile(aName) local _, tProfile = VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(VUHDO_CONFIG["CURRENT_PROFILE"]); local tPanelPositions = { }; for tCnt = 1, 10 do -- VUHDO_MAX_PANELS tPanelPositions[tCnt] = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[tCnt]["POSITION"]); end local tProfile = { ["NAME"] = aName, ["LOCKED"] = tProfile ~= nil and tProfile["LOCKED"], ["HARDLOCKED"] = false, ["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"] = VUHDO_PLAYER_CLASS, ["ORIGINATOR_TOON"] = VUHDO_PLAYER_NAME, ["CONFIG"] = VUHDO_CONFIG, ["PANEL_SETUP"] = VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP, ["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"] = VUHDO_POWER_TYPE_COLORS, ["SPELL_CONFIG"] = VUHDO_SPELL_CONFIG, ["BUFF_SETTINGS"] = VUHDO_BUFF_SETTINGS, ["BUFF_ORDER"] = VUHDO_BUFF_ORDER, ["INDICATOR_CONFIG"] = VUHDO_INDICATOR_CONFIG, ["PANEL_POSITIONS"] = tPanelPositions; }; VUHDO_compressAllProfileParts(tProfile); return tProfile; end -- function VUHDO_createNewProfileName(aName, aUnitName) local tIdx = 1; local tProfile = { }; local tPrefix = aUnitName .. ": "; while tProfile do tNewName = tPrefix .. aName; _, tProfile = VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(tNewName); tIdx = tIdx + 1; tPrefix = aUnitName .. "(" .. tIdx .. "): "; end return tNewName; end -- function VUHDO_createNewLayoutName(aName, aUnitName) local tIdx = 1; local tLayout = { }; local tPrefix = aUnitName .. ": "; while tLayout do tNewName = tPrefix .. aName; tLayout = VUHDO_SPELL_LAYOUTS[tNewName]; tIdx = tIdx + 1; tPrefix = aUnitName .. "(" .. tIdx .. "): "; end return tNewName; end -- local VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME = nil; local function VUHDO_askSaveProfileCallback(aButtonNum) local _, tProfile = VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME); if tProfile and aButtonNum == 2 and tProfile["HARDLOCKED"] then VUHDO_Msg("This profile is hardlocked. It has been copied locally."); aButtonNum = 1; end if 1 == aButtonNum then -- Copy VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME = VUHDO_createNewProfileName(VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME, VUHDO_PLAYER_NAME); VUHDO_CONFIG["CURRENT_PROFILE"] = VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME; VUHDO_CURRENT_PROFILE = VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME; VUHDO_IS_DEFAULT_PROFILE = false; if (VUHDO_CURR_LAYOUT ~= nil) then VUHDO_CURR_LAYOUT = VUHDO_createNewLayoutName(VUHDO_CURR_LAYOUT, VUHDO_PLAYER_NAME); VUHDO_SPEC_LAYOUTS["selected"] = VUHDO_CURR_LAYOUT; VUHDO_IS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT = false; end elseif 2 == aButtonNum then -- Overwrite elseif 3 == aButtonNum then-- Discard return; end local tIndex, _ = VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME); if not tIndex then tIndex = #VUHDO_PROFILES + 1; end VUHDO_PROFILES[tIndex] = VUHDO_createNewProfile(VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME); if 1 == aButtonNum then VUHDO_PROFILES[tIndex]["HARDLOCKED"] = false; end if VUHDO_IS_DEFAULT_PROFILE then VUHDO_DEFAULT_PROFILE = VUHDO_PROFILES[tIndex]["NAME"]; elseif VUHDO_DEFAULT_PROFILE == VUHDO_PROFILES[tIndex]["NAME"] then VUHDO_DEFAULT_PROFILE = nil; end VUHDO_Msg(VUHDO_I18N_PROFILE_SAVED .. "\"" .. VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME .. "\"."); VUHDO_updateProfileSelectCombo(); if ((VUHDO_CURR_LAYOUT or "") == "") then VUHDO_SPEC_LAYOUTS["selected"] = ""; elseif ((VUHDO_SPEC_LAYOUTS["selected"] or "") ~= "") then VUHDO_CURR_LAYOUT = VUHDO_SPEC_LAYOUTS["selected"]; VUHDO_saveKeyLayoutCallback(VUHDO_YES); end end -- function VUHDO_saveProfile(aName) local tExistingIndex, tExistingProfile = VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(aName); if tExistingProfile then VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME = aName; if tExistingProfile["ORIGINATOR_TOON"] ~= VUHDO_PLAYER_NAME and not VUHDO_CONFIG["IS_ALWAYS_OVERWRITE_PROFILE"] then VuhDoThreeSelectFrameText:SetText( VUHDO_I18N_PROFILE_OVERWRITE_1 .. " \"" .. aName .. "\" " .. VUHDO_I18N_PROFILE_OVERWRITE_2 .. " (" .. tExistingProfile["ORIGINATOR_TOON"] .. ")." .. VUHDO_I18N_PROFILE_OVERWRITE_3 ); VuhDoThreeSelectFrameButton1:SetText(VUHDO_I18N_COPY); VuhDoThreeSelectFrameButton2:SetText(VUHDO_I18N_OVERWRITE); VuhDoThreeSelectFrameButton3:SetText(VUHDO_I18N_DISCARD); VuhDoThreeSelectFrame:SetAttribute("callback", VUHDO_askSaveProfileCallback); VuhDoThreeSelectFrame:Show(); else VUHDO_askSaveProfileCallback(2); end else VUHDO_TARGET_PROFILE_NAME = aName; VUHDO_askSaveProfileCallback(2); end end -- function VUHDO_saveCurrentProfile() local _, tProfile = VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(VUHDO_CONFIG["CURRENT_PROFILE"]); if tProfile and not tProfile["LOCKED"] then VUHDO_saveProfile(VUHDO_CONFIG["CURRENT_PROFILE"]); end end -- function VUHDO_saveCurrentProfilePanelPosition(aPanelNum) local _, tProfile = VUHDO_getProfileNamedCompressed(VUHDO_CONFIG["CURRENT_PROFILE"]); if tProfile then if not tProfile["PANEL_POSITIONS"] then tProfile["PANEL_POSITIONS"] = { }; end tProfile["PANEL_POSITIONS"][aPanelNum] = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[aPanelNum]["POSITION"]); end end -- local function VUHDO_isProfileRuleAllowed(tRule, aClass, aToon) if VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL == tRule then return true; elseif VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS == tRule then return VUHDO_PLAYER_CLASS == aClass; elseif VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_TOON == tRule then return VUHDO_PLAYER_NAME == aToon; elseif VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER == tRule then return false; else return true; end end local VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL, } local VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL = { ["CONFIG"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL, ["RANGE_SPELL"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER, ["RANGE_PESSIMISTIC"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER, ["CURRENT_PROFILE"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER, ["IS_CLIQUE_COMPAT_MODE"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER, ["IS_CLIQUE_PASSTHROUGH"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER, ["AUTO_PROFILES"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_NEVER, }, ["CLUSTER"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS, }, ["AOE_ADVISOR"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS, }, }, ["PANEL_SETUP"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL, ["HOTS"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL, ["SLOTS"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS, }, ["SLOTCFG"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS, }, }, [1] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [2] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [3] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [4] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [5] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [6] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [7] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [8] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [9] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, [10] = VUHDO_PER_PANEL_PROFILE_MODEL, }, ["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL, }, ["SPELL_CONFIG"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_TOON, }, ["BUFF_SETTINGS"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS, ["CONFIG"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL, }, }, ["BUFF_ORDER"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_CLASS, }, ["INDICATOR_CONFIG"] = { ["-root-"] = VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL, }, }; -- local tOriginatorClass = nil; local tOriginatorToon = nil; local function VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(aDestArray, aSourceArray, aProfileModel, aDerivedRule) if not aSourceArray then return aDestArray; end if aSourceArray["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"] then tOriginatorClass = aSourceArray["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"]; end if aSourceArray["ORIGINATOR_TOON"] then tOriginatorToon = aSourceArray["ORIGINATOR_TOON"]; end local tRootRule; if aProfileModel then tRootRule = aProfileModel["-root-"]; else tRootRule = nil; end local tSourceValue; for tKey, tDestValue in pairs(aDestArray) do tSourceValue = aSourceArray[tKey]; if (tSourceValue ~= nil) then local tSubModel = (aProfileModel or { })[tKey]; if "table" == type(tSourceValue) then if "table" == type(tDestValue) then aDestArray[tKey] = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(aDestArray[tKey], aSourceArray[tKey], tSubModel, tRootRule or aDerivedRule); else VUHDO_Msg("Data structures incompatible in field: " .. tKey); end else -- Flacher Wert local tRule = tSubModel or tRootRule or aDerivedRule; if VUHDO_isProfileRuleAllowed(tRule, tOriginatorClass, tOriginatorToon) then aDestArray[tKey] = aSourceArray[tKey]; --else --VUHDO_Msg("Prohibit: " .. tKey); end end end end return aDestArray; end -- local function VUHDO_fixDominantProfileSettings(aProfile) for tCnt = 1, VUHDO_MAX_PANELS do if aProfile["PANEL_SETUP"][tCnt] then if (aProfile["PANEL_SETUP"][tCnt]["MODEL"].groups == nil) then VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[tCnt]["MODEL"].groups = nil; else VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[tCnt]["MODEL"].groups = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(aProfile["PANEL_SETUP"][tCnt]["MODEL"].groups); end else VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[tCnt]["MODEL"].groups = nil; end end end -- function VUHDO_loadProfileNoInit(aName) local tIndex, tProfile = VUHDO_getProfileNamed(aName); local tPanelPositions; if not tIndex then VUHDO_Msg(VUHDO_I18N_ERROR_NO_PROFILE .. "\"" .. aName .. "\" !", 1, 0.4, 0.4); return; end tOriginatorClass = tProfile["ORIGINATOR_CLASS"]; tOriginatorToon = tProfile["ORIGINATOR_TOON"]; VUHDO_CONFIG = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(VUHDO_CONFIG, tProfile["CONFIG"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL["CONFIG"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL); VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP, tProfile["PANEL_SETUP"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL["PANEL_SETUP"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL); VUHDO_POWER_TYPE_COLORS = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(VUHDO_POWER_TYPE_COLORS, tProfile["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL["POWER_TYPE_COLORS"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL); VUHDO_SPELL_CONFIG = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(VUHDO_SPELL_CONFIG, tProfile["SPELL_CONFIG"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL["SPELL_CONFIG"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL); VUHDO_BUFF_SETTINGS = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(VUHDO_BUFF_SETTINGS, tProfile["BUFF_SETTINGS"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL["BUFF_SETTINGS"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL); VUHDO_BUFF_ORDER = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(VUHDO_BUFF_ORDER, tProfile["BUFF_ORDER"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL["BUFF_ORDER"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL); VUHDO_INDICATOR_CONFIG = VUHDO_smartLoadFromProfile(VUHDO_INDICATOR_CONFIG, tProfile["INDICATOR_CONFIG"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL["INDICATOR_CONFIG"], VUHDO_PROFILE_MODEL_MATCH_ALL); tPanelPositions = tProfile["PANEL_POSITIONS"]; if tPanelPositions then for tCnt = 1, 10 do -- VUHDO_MAX_PANELS if tPanelPositions[tCnt] then VUHDO_PANEL_SETUP[tCnt]["POSITION"] = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(tPanelPositions[tCnt]); end end end -- @TODO: Warum werden die nicht direkt geladen (ipairs-Problem?) if tProfile["CONFIG"]["CUSTOM_DEBUFF"] and tProfile["CONFIG"]["CUSTOM_DEBUFF"]["STORED"] and VUHDO_CONFIG["CUSTOM_DEBUFF"] then VUHDO_CONFIG["CUSTOM_DEBUFF"]["STORED"] = VUHDO_deepCopyTable(tProfile["CONFIG"]["CUSTOM_DEBUFF"]["STORED"]); end VUHDO_fixDominantProfileSettings(tProfile); VUHDO_CONFIG["CURRENT_PROFILE"] = aName; VUHDO_Msg(VUHDO_I18N_PROFILE_LOADED .. aName); end -- function VUHDO_loadProfile(aName) VUHDO_loadProfileNoInit(aName); VUHDO_initAllBurstCaches(); VUHDO_loadVariables(); VUHDO_initPanelModels(); VUHDO_initDynamicPanelModels(); VUHDO_registerAllBouquets(false); VUHDO_initAllEventBouquets(); VUHDO_initDebuffs(); VUHDO_reloadUI(true); VUHDO_resetTooltip(); VUHDO_initBlizzFrames(); VUHDO_bouqetsChanged(); if (VUHDO_initCustomDebuffComboModel ~= nil) then VUHDO_initCustomDebuffComboModel(); end collectgarbage('collect'); end -- function VUHDO_initDefaultProfiles() if (VUHDO_GLOBAL_CONFIG["PROFILES_VERSION"] or 1) < 3 then VUHDO_GLOBAL_CONFIG["PROFILES_VERSION"] = 3; for _, tProfile in ipairs(VUHDO_DEFAULT_PROFILES) do VUHDO_compressAllProfileParts(tProfile); tinsert(VUHDO_PROFILES, tProfile); end end VUHDO_DEFAULT_PROFILES = nil; end